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Tulloch says Jennings should worry his own team

17 Jul

The Detroit Lions have had some well documented problems regarding their on and off field discipline. Green Bay Packers wide receiver Greg Jennings touched upon it during a segment on NFL Total Access last Thursday.

Knowing the Lions pose a threat to their NFC North supremacy, Jennings wondered if the Lions could keep their composure when the heat is on.

“Can they maintain their composure, both on the field and off the field?” Jennings asked. “They’re a very talented team, but they have struggles on the field containing their composure, and definitely, the things we’ve heard of, them being in the media with off-the-field problems and off-the-field issues. Can they maintain their composure? Can they be a professional ball club for 16, 17, 18 solid weeks throughout the regular season?”

Certainly a legitimate assessment if you ask me. I’ve seen the Lions too much to know they commit too many dumb penalties at the most inopportune time. So Jennings isn’t making up a tall tale when he said that.

The Lions’ Stephen Tulloch took offense to Jennings comments. Tulloch took to Twitter to voice his displeasure with Jennings.

“Who is Greg Jennings to talk about the Lions? The guy should worry about his own team….”

True, maybe Jennings should worry about his own team, but after being pasted the last two games to close out their season, they should take it to heart and rectify the problem.


Lions’ Schwartz Not Pleased With The Officiating

2 Jan

After a disappointing 45-41 loss to the Green Bay Packers, a loss that extended their winless Lambeau streak to 21 years,  Detroit Lions head coach Jim Schwartz didn’t have much to say at the postgame news conference. When the subject turned to officiating, he had a mouthful.

Schwartz challenged two fumbles in the second quarter, winning one and losing the other. The personal eye test says he should’ve won both challenges. The second challenge came whebn Stefan Logan apparently fumbled a kickoff after a Green Bay score. It looked like he was stripped of the ball after he was down but the call was upheld. That left Schwartz with no challenges when Titus Young was ruled out of bounds on an apparent touchdown that made the difference in the four point loss.

“It’s unfortunate the way the league plays those because like on a ball that’s loose, they’re going to keep their whistles in their pocket because they don’t want to have a play that was a fumble that they can’t get it reviewed because somebody ruled him down by contact,” Schwartz said. “But they don’t have a camera angle to overturn. I mean, the guy’s down. And then we get the touchdown play, which every play this year they always rule in favor of touchdown knowing that it’s going to get reviewed, I don’t have any challenges left.”

“The whole thing with replay’s to get it right,” Schwartz said. “Well, we didn’t get it right.”

Not to excuse the Lions’ poor performance on defense yesterday, but they were victimized by a few bad calls that could’ve turned the result in their favor.

Raiola Hopes He Doesn’t Get A Full Moon On Sunday

30 Dec

Now that the Detroit Lions are somewhat relevant again (they are headed to the playoffs), Green Bay Packers fans might have a reason to make them a target. In the past it was a guaranteed win for the Packers so the fans had no reason to get riled up for the Lions. Now that there has been some bad blood recently (the Ndamukong Suh stomping) there might be a “full moon” of sorts on Sunday. Everyone knows that the Packer fans like to flash opponents their backsides when they get off the bus.

Leave it to the Lions center Dominic Raiola to stir the pot regarding the Packer backers.

“It looks like they live a simple life,” he said. “They love the Packers and that’s about it. They are passionate. They tailgate right in their backyards, right where we park our busses.”

Raiola or the Lions haven’t been the targets of a moon shot but they could be this Sunday.

“We get there too early, but that would be pretty awesome,” Raiola said. “Well, I don’t know if I want to see some of those people naked, though. They aren’t in the best shape.”

We’ll have to see if that comment gets back to Green Bay.

Charles Woodson Supports The Union Workers

20 Feb

The people in the State of Wisconsin are locked in a battle with Gov. Scott Walker who is trying to limit bargaining power for state employee unions. Not many athletes or entertainers would be in tune to what’s going on with others that aren’t in their line of work or in the same tax bracket. But the people of Wisconsin have found an ally in the Green Bay Packers’ Charles Woodson.

Woodson released this statement on the situation going on in Wisconsin.

Last week I was proud when many of my current and former teammates announced their support for the working families fighting for their rights in Wisconsin. Today I am honored to join with them.

Thousands of dedicated Wisconsin public workers provide vital services for Wisconsin citizens. They are the teachers, nurses and child care workers who take care of us and our families. These hard working people are under an unprecedented attack to take away their basic rights to have a voice and collectively bargain at work.

It is an honor for me to play for the Super Bowl Champion Green Bay Packers and be a part of the Green Bay and Wisconsin communities. I am also honored as a member of the NFL Players Association to stand together with working families of Wisconsin and organized labor in their fight against this attempt to hurt them by targeting unions. I hope those leading the attack will sit down with Wisconsin’s public workers and discuss the problems Wisconsin faces, so that together they can truly move Wisconsin forward.
Woodson being part of the NFL players union sympathizing with the working people. I was quite surprised myself because not many take time to get a view of real life issues of people that are less fortunate.

The Clay Matthews Tour

11 Feb

To the victor goes the spoils. That’s what they say. The Green Bay Packers won the Super Bowl and Clay Matthews seems to be loving it. Matthews has a little victory tour going on. There was Jay Leno, then WWE Smackdown, Ellen Degeneres. Next stop the Grammys.

Matthews will be presenting an award at the upcoming Grammy awards ceremony. There is no word on what category he’ll be presenting in. I might watch just to see who he gives an award to. I wonder where the next stop will be on the Clay Matthews victory tour.

Super Bowl Prediction

6 Feb

This is a pretty difficult decision to make for this year’s Super Bowl. Green Bay and Pittsburgh are pretty evenly matched. They both have good quarterback play, strong defenses, and good coaching. It’ll be a close game and there will be a lot of back and forth.

I feel the team that brings it defensively will win. I think Aaron Rodgers has the capability to pick on the Steelers’ secondary if he’s given enough time. Key word is if. The Packers’ offensive line is suspectible to giving up sacks, so that matchup will be key. Same goes for the Steelers’ offensive line. I hate to sound cliche-ish but this game will be won in the trenches. The loss of Maurkice Pouncey is a big one for Pittsburgh.

After all that, my pick is Pittsburgh 21-17.

Some Good News For A Change

6 Feb

Normally on the night before the Super Bowl or in the wee hours of the morning there’s always some bad news about one of the participating players. Stanley Wilson, Eugene Robinson, and Barrett Robbins come to mind. But this story has a different twist.

Green Bay Packers defensive end Jarius Wynn and his wife have welcomed a baby boy into this world on Super Bowl Sunday. Something worth more than a Super Bowl ring.

Wynn played in the first two Packers playoff wins against Philadelphia and Atlanta. He was inactive against Chicago in the NFC Championship. There’s no word on whether he’ll be active for the Super Bowl against Pittsburgh. I’m sure he’d love to be playing, but I know right now he has the greatest feeling in the world.

Pick A Towel, Any Towel

24 Jan

The producer of the Pittsburgh Steelers ‘Terrible Towel’ has a split loyalty in the upcoming Super Bowl.

Wisconsin towelmaker McArthur Towel and Sports has been making Terrible Towels for years. Now it wants to make one for Packers, since company president Gregg McArthur is a devoted Packers fan.

My suggestion is to churn out as many towels as you can and watch the money roll in. You can’t miss on this business oppurtnity.   

Quickie Playoff Predictions

22 Jan

Last week, I went 3-1, despite whiffing on the scores. This week is the final four of football and here are my predictions for the AFC and NFC title games.

Green Bay at Chicago- Based on both games this season, this will be a tightly contested game. Green Bay, specifically Aaron Rodgers has been hot for the last month. Chicago has been steady for most of the season. They split both games they played and both were close. I look for Green Bay to pull out a close win in hostile territory. Green Bay 23-17

New York at Pittsburgh- The Jets surprised a lot of people last week, including myself, by going into New England and laying the smack down on the Patriots. In the last two years the Jets have played and won all their playoff games on the road. This should be another tight game, just like I said about the Steelers last week, they have home field so therefore they should win. Steelers 21-17

Winning Ugly

12 Dec

The Detroit Lions pulled out a 7-3 win over the Green Bay Packers today. I swear that game was played like it was outdoors. To both teams credit, the defenses stepped up. It helped the Lions that Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers had to leave the game with a concussion. DeAndre Levy also came up with a timely interception that thrwarted a Green Bay scoring oppurtunity. It was an ugly win but I’m sure coaches, players, and fans will take a win any way they can get it.

Both teams were offensively challenged but the Lions were picked apart by a short passing game. Drew Stanton wasn’t as sharp as he was last week, throwing two ill advised interceptions. I’ll give him some credit, he didn’t fold and led them to the winning scoring drive. He may not be a Lion next year, but if he keeps playing well he’ll have a job somewhere. Green Bay’s defense isn’t chopped liver and neither is Chicago’s. Stanton earned another start next week if Shaun Hill isn’t able to come back from injury. And no, Matthew Stafford shouldn’t be brought back under no circumstances.

This was a good win for the Lions as they’ve been 0 for forever in the division. They actually won a game no one gave them a chance of winning. There wasn’t a gang of pre snap penalties or penalties that came at a bad time. They didn’t fold when it counted and they playe through mistakes. Today, they were big. Now we’ll see if they can handle a little prosperity. The last time we thought they turned the corner they had a disheartning loss to the Jets. This time let’s see them build some momentum and translate this into a few more to close out the year. Then we’ll start talking about progress.