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Phil Mickelson to get involved with potential Padres ownership group

29 May

Phil Mickelson is trying to get into the ownership game. Mickelson is reportedly putting up some of his own money to get involved with a group trying to buy the San Diego Padres. The Padres are Mickelson’s hometown team.

Mickelson has joined the group headed by Kevin and Brian O’Malley and their cousins Peter and Tom Seidler, whose Top of the Third, Inc., owns the Single-A Visalia Rawhide, are one of five parties known to be exploring the purchase of John Moores’ controlling interest in the Padres. Their efforts are being guided by Peter O’Malley, the former Dodgers owner, but the senior O’Malley does not anticipate being actively involved in the Padres operation, preferring to leave that to “the next generation.”

“This was a unique opportunity with families that had done this before and know how to do it right and want to get involved in the community,” Mickelson told the newspaper. 

Padres legend Tony Gwynn has backed a different ownership group but if the O’Malley team gets the deal Mr. Padre won’t be shut out of the franchise completely.

“If we were able to get control, (Gwynn) would be the first person we’d want to get involved,” Mickelson said. “He’s such an icon with the team. Hopefully, it won’t be combative.” 

The franchise is twisting in the wind right now regarding their ownership status and they need someone to take full ownership of the team soon.

20 questions

20 Mar

1. Shouldn’t Vlad Guerrero be signed already?

2. Why doesn’t Pete Gillen have job?

3. Is this the official end of Tebowmania?

4. Did the Lakers make the best trade deadline moves and are they in prime position to challenge the Thunder?

5. Have the Wizards finally rid themselves of their headcases?

6. Will Gilbert Arenas have an impact on the Grizzlies?

7. Can Peyton Manning get the Broncos multiple Super Bowl trophies?

8. Don’t you think if Florida State had an offense like the old Pat Kennedy days they’d be advancing?

9. Wouldn’t Shaka Smart be wise to stay at VCU?

10. Isn’t it good to see N.C. State on the national stage?

11. Who is impressed with how Royce White played this season?

12. When will there be another great American heavyweight?

13. Is this the year everyone stops knocking LeBron?

14. What will it take for Pacquiao and Mayweather to step into the ring?

15. Does Michigan really have a chance against Alabama in college football’s opener?

16. Why do women’s basketball produce so many blowouts?

17. Is Perry Jones III really a lottery pick?

18. Will the Phillies dominate the NL East again?

19. Wouldn’t it be nice to see UNLV return to their renegade winning ways?

20. Will Tiger Woods ever win another major?  

Tiger Woods’ Ex-Swing Coach Has A Book Coming Out

8 Jan

If you don’t know who Hank Haney is, you soon will. Haney was Tiger Woods’ swing coach for six years and has written a book about his life and times with Woods.

The book is titled ‘The Big Miss’ and Haney won’t give out any details about it except that it will be “hard to put down”. It covers a time in which Woods went from winning nearly half of his tournaments to a scandal that derailed his pursuit of golf history.

“I get asked all the time about Tiger, what it was like to work with him,” Haney said in a telephone interview. “I felt like I had a front row seat to golf history. It just kind of chronicles a little bit of what I went through, what I dealt with, how I coached and the observations I made.

“I think there’s a lot of things that people are going to find interesting.”

Personally I’ve heard more than I care about Woods so it’s really not a big deal to me like it may be to others.

Most of the people Woods has dealt with had a nondisclosure agreement. Something Haney doesn’t have since he never signed a contract with Woods.

Haney said he signed no such thing — “I didn’t even have a contract,” he said — although he said the book was not intended to “take jabs at anyone.”

“If he reads it, I don’t think it will be a book that bothers him. It’s hard to say,” Haney said. “I think anybody who reads it will think it’s interesting, very fair and honest, and that’s what I wanted to do. I was on that job for six years. There were 110 days a year I was with him. I stayed at his house for close to 30 days a year. You make a lot of observations.”

The book is due to be published and released in print and digital on March 27.

I’m pretty sure Mr. Woods will have something to say about that before the release of the book.

Tiger Needs More Time Off

6 Aug
Tiger needs moments alone like this.

It’s fairly obvious that the cheating scandal and subsequent divorce Tiger Woods has gone through is affecting his golf game. I’m no golf honk, but he’s just not right. He had one,maybe two good showings since he came back and now he shoots a 74 (however you calculate that) in the first round at the Bridgestone Invitational. He has fallen and fallen hard.

He’s been struggling with his game, missing short putts and butchering the course altogether. I don’t watch golf so bear with me. I think this is more mental than what he’s letting on. Everything he has gone through has affected him and his glf game in the worse way. He says he intends to play his way on to the Ryder Cup team. I don’t think so. He needs to take some time off. Like the rest of the golf season, however that works out. Hit some links at the local muni and get some practice in. Hell, even Allen Iverson thinks you need practice. Knock the rust off and maybe call old swing guru Butch Harmon to get your game back. It’s obvious you don’t have it right now.

As a sports fan, you keep waiting for the old Tiger Woods to appear. The one that whacked the competiton early in a tournament, or distanced himself from the field on Saturday, or made the late charge on Sunday. Right now, none of that is happening. The only way he gets it back is to clear his mind, because it doesn’t seem to be on golf. Maybe not having his mistresses around has also affected his game.