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Is Golden State a potential landing spot for Lamar Odom?

14 Apr

After going through a turbulent season and being exiled from the Dallas Mavericks, Lamar Odom will be a free agent and will be looking to catch on with another NBA team. Despite being a headcase and having some baggage, Odom will be a highly sought after player. Not in a Deron Williams sense but there will be plenty of teams vying for his services.

One of those teams could be the Golden State Warriors. The Warriors are rebuilding once again and don’t look like a natural fit for Odom. All in all, it might be a long shot, but don’t be quick to dismiss the notion of Odom in a Warriors uniform. Rusty Simmons of the San Francisco Chronicle wrote that the Warriors’ secret weapon could be assistant coach Jerry DeGregorio.

“DeGregorio coached Odom in high school, college and the pros and has been like a father to him since Odom was a 16-year-old prospect from South Jamaica, Queens, N.Y. DeGregorio was the best man in Odom’s September 2009 wedding to Khloe Kardashian. In his best-man speech, DeGregorio asked Kardashian to make the same vow that Odom’s grandmother asked of DeGregorio before she died. Since Odom has no brothers or sisters and his mother died when he was 12, his grandmother asked DeGregorio to promise to watch over her baby.” 

DeGregorio was an assistant at Rhode Island, which accepted Odom when his scholarship to UNLV was lost because of paperwork and testing questions. DeGregorio was an assistant with the Clippers when Odom averaged a career-high 17.2 points in 2000-01 and was the first person called when Odom’s 6 1/2-month-old son, Jayden, died because of SIDS in 2006.

After this season in Dallas, I couldn’t see Odom in Golden State. If DeGregorio has as much pull as Simmons states in his article it could become a reality. The Warriors would have to trade a few pieces or have him sign for the mid-level exception, but the DeGregorio connection could bring Odom to the Bay area.

Captain Jack coming full circle

15 Mar

A few days ago Stephen Jackson was traded from the Milwaukee Bucks to the Golden State Warriors. It was a homecoming of sorts as Jackson was going back to Golden State. Now a few days after that it looks like Jackson’s career is coming full circle. The San Antonio Spurs are trading small forward Richard Jefferson for the volatile Jackson. Golden State will also receive a first round pick in the deal.

In a bland Spurs locker room Jackson has bee described as the ultimate teammate by Tim Duncan. I guess that can carry some weight since Jackson has worn out his welcome in lots of places since his first stint in San Antonio. With Manu Ginobili not being at full strength, this could turn out to be a coup for the Spurs as Jackson always states that he just wants to win.  

Monta Ellis Being Sued For Sexual Harrssment

21 Dec

In a report courtesy of the Contra Costa Times, Golden State Warriors guard Monta Ellis and the organization are being sued for sexual harassment by a former employee. There isn’t too much to go on right now and there should be much more known about the case after Wednesday’s press conference.

According to an email from the Law Offices of Burton F. Boltuch, the plaintiff will file the suit Wednesday morning in Oakland at the Superior Court of Alameda County. Afterward, a press conference will be held to discuss the allegations.

According to Boltuch, the plaintiff is accusing Ellis of sexually harassing her from November 2010 to January 2011. The accuser, according to Boltuch, has photo evidence of the harrassment, which he claims was sent from Ellis’ cell phone to the plaintiff.

The photo will be revealed – along with the identity of the accuser – at the press conference, Boltuch said.

“You will be shocked when you see it,” Boltuch said. “It’s pretty disgusting and graphic.”

Boltuch also said that his client was “terminated” because the Warriors were trying to cover up for Ellis.

After tomorrow we’ll know a lot more about this case. 

Report Says Warriors Offered Monta Ellis For Dwight Howard

18 Jun

According to a report/tweet from Jonathan Givony from DraftExpress the Golden State Warriors mad a play for the Orlando Magic’s Dwight Howard, offereing up Monta Ellis, Ekpe Udoh, and Andris Biendris. A pretty good package but not one that’s going to land Howard.

If this is indeed true, teams thinking about lining up to trade for the big man will have to give up plenty in order to land him. So Laker fans don’t get too enthusiastic about the big guy coming to Los Angeles.

Also, if the Warriors weren’t going to trade Ellis, why were they alledgedly offering him in a package. it looks like Golden State is still intent on unloading Ellis no matter what their front office is saying.   

Mark Jackson Hired As Coach Of The Golden State Warriors

7 Jun

NBA broadcaster and former elite point man Mark Jackson has been hired to be the next coach of the Golden State Warriors.

“After an extensive search and a great deal of consideration, we have come to the conclusion that Mark Jackson is the best coach for this team,” said Warriors’ General Manager Larry Riley. “He will bring a youthful and fresh approach to our team and the fact that he enjoyed a stellar playing career, where he served most of that time as the leader of some very successful teams, will prove invaluable in the long run. We were looking for a coach with leadership ability and a strong personality and believe Mark possesses those qualities. He’s very well respected in NBA circles, is a consummate professional and his knowledge and background will be an incredible asset for our team and organization.”

“We are tremendously excited about the addition of Mark Jackson as our new head coach,” said Warriors’ Owner Joe Lacob. “He epitomized leadership as a player in this league for 17 seasons and we think that characteristic – and many other positive traits – will translate very well into his coaching duties with our young team. He was a leader and a winner both on and off the floor in this league and we’re convinced that he is the right person to guide this team into the future and help us achieve the success that we are striving for as an organization.”

Jackson will be taking over for Keith Smart and ushering in a new era of Warriors basketball with Jerry West.

Maybe these NBA front office types know more than I do, but I’ve never pictured Jackson as a coach. Maybe it’s because I’ve heard him on television so much recently that I couldn’t see him going into coaching. I wish him luck, because he’s gonna need it and some patience with the Warriors franchise.

I know some will disagree, but I’ll actually miss him in the booth. 

Charlie Bell Had A Rough Weekend

3 May

Former Michigan State player and current Golden State Warrior, Charlie Bell had a rough weekend. His estranged wife Kenya Bell was charged with assaulting him with a box cutter at his home in Grand Blanc Township home.

There aren’t too many details about the case, except that their two children were present at the time of attack. The Genesee County prosecutor says Kenya Bell was released from jail Monday, one day after her arrest in Grand Blanc Township.

Charlie referred to it as “the longest day of his life”. He suffered minor injuries in the attack. 

Kenya Bell, 35, faces charges of assault with a dangerous weapon and domestic violence.

Julian Wright Refuses To Enter A Game

26 Mar

It sounds as if there is a small problem brewing in Toronto. Raptors coach Jay Triano called for forward Julian Wright to enter the game in a 138-100 blowout loss to the Golden State Warriors. The problem was that Wright refused to enter the game. I don’t know what the deal is but apparently Wright isn’t too happy about the amount of playing time he’s been getting.

There’s one way to solve it Julian, play better.

Triano didn’t seem to be too bent out of shape over what took place. “I just went to the next guy,” Triano told the Toronto Star. “I wasn’t going to ask him twice.”

“I asked (Wright) to go in, and he didn’t go in,” Triano said. “I know he went to the washroom just before that. I don’t know if he wasn’t feeling well. I still haven’t talked to him.”

Wright hasn’t been too happy lately and refused to answer any questiuons about what went on during last night’s debacle.

“I don’t want to talk about it,” Wright said. “Speculate on anything you want.”

This is another in a long line of situations where an athlete acts like a child. You get paid a few million to play a game. Sometimes a coach might want to try something different to make the team better. If you’re not playing up to standards you spend time on the bench. That’s definitely not the way to act, especially since Wright is going into free agency. Considering how his career has gone, it’s gonna be hard for him to latch on to another team. He won’t be back in Toronto and if he plays in the NBA next year he’s gonna have to answer the question about why he didn’t go in.

Hello Turkey!


Charlie Bell Arrested For DUI

6 Feb

When will these professional athletes and entertainers learn that it’s easier to call a cab than to collect a DUI award. Ex-Michigan State Spartan and current Golden State Warrior Charlie Bell found this out the hard way. My question has always been, why don’t you just catch a cab instead of taking the chance on being busted by the cops? I know you’re not that stupid.

Bell was busted early Friday morning.  A CHP officer arrested Bell about 2:45 a.m. on Lakeshore Avenue, near Oakland’s Lake Merritt, CHP Officer Sam Morgan said. Bell was booked at a downtown Oakland jail, where he remained for about four hours before being picked up by teammate Reggie Williams.

Damn, good looking out by Reggie Williams. He got up in the middle of the night to pick up a drunk teammate from jail. He must’ve not had anything going on that night, or he was resting up from the game the Warriors just played. Something you should have been doing Charlie. Next time lay off the sauce and if you don’t call a cab or catch the bus or something. You’re not the highest paid player in the league, but you get guaranteed money. Invest some of that cheaply and wisely.