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Sayers: Hester Is Hall Of Fame Material

5 Jan

A Hall Of Fame kick/punt returner. Apparently Gale Sayers thinks so. He believes that Hester has Hall of Fame credentials.

  “Devin Hester deserves to be in the Hall of Fame, no question about it. He has a chance to get there. And more than likely, he probably will,” Sayers told Fred Mitchell of the Chicago Tribune.

“I think I was probably the first (Hall of Fame) running back to return punts and kickoffs and run from the line of scrimmage,” Sayers said. “I had a good career rushing with the football, too, and scoring touchdowns (22 as a rookie). (Hester) is only doing kick returns (although he is also a wide receiver) and he is having a hell of a career. No doubt, he will probably go into the Hall of Fame.”

As great as Sayers is, I gotta disagree. The only way Devin Hester gets into the Hall of Fame is if he demolishes return records. He does play receiver but hasn’t carved out a significant role for him on the offensive side of the ball. I think if they keep doing that he’ll go the way of Dante Hall, the last star returner that got more snaps on offense and fizzled out. Hester is exceptional at what he does, but he’s not Hall of Fame worthy. Even with a great lke Gale Sayers endorsing him. Eventually he (Hester) will lose a step so he’ll have to make plenty of big returns to break records. Also teams will jsut start kicking out of bounds.