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Bobby Bowden recommends that Florida State remain in the ACC

18 May

There have been rumors flying around saying Florida State could possibly leave the ACC for the Big 12. School president Eric Barron has been trying to put an end to all the talk of the Seminoles leaving and publicly stating that Florida State isn’t looking to leave the ACC.

Former Florida State trustee, Derrick Brooks, has said that he knows the Big 12 has reached out to Florida State. There has been one voice absent in this whole mess. The godfather of Florida State football, Bobby Bowden.

In an interview that will air Sunday morning at 9 a.m. ET on the SiriusXM show College Sports from All Angles with Jack Arute, Bowden says that Florida State should remain right where they are in the ACC.

“My message would be stay in the ACC,” Bowden told Arute in a transcript provided by SiriusXM. “Do you want to win a National Championship at Florida State?  You’ve got a better chance in the ACC than you have in the Big 12, or even the SEC.

“You say, ‘Well, gosh, they’re much stronger in those conferences.’  Yeah!  They beat up on each other and you can’t hardly get there.  You know what?  Florida State, wait ‘til you get good enough to rule the ACC then you start looking for someplace to jump.  But my opinion?  They should stay right where they are.”  

“All this talk about Florida State, it kinda tickles me because, in the first place, I don’t think the Big 12 has even talked to Florida State,” Bowden said. “I could be wrong.  I hear different opinions.

Translation: If we have trouble beating the Clemson’s and N.C. State’s of the world, how can we hang with Oklahoma or Texas?

Bowden goes on to state concerns of spending and travel, but it’s all football driven. No one cares about
baseball, women’s softball, or the men’s rowing team.

“I think the president of Florida State is correct.  Florida State, you’re in the ACC, it’s a nice solid conference.  Stay with them.  You know, I can’t see Florida State joining the Big 12 to gain three million dollars.  How much is it going to cost to fly the girls’ soccer team, the girls’ basketball team, the boys’ baseball team out to Norman, Oklahoma, or out to Kansas to play?  They’ll gobble that three million up so quick they won’t know what it’s like.  I think we need to stay right where our base is, that’s right here on the east coast.”

The Seminoles should stay where they are because of the geographic sense that it makes. Florida State in the Big 12. Even Magellan thinks that’s a bad idea.

Hey, when was the last time anyone at Florida State listened to Bowden?

Hamilton Might Be Holding Back The Seminoles

15 Jan

I’ll admit this much when I watch college basketball. I do keep an eye on the Florida State Seminoles. I’m not a Floridian or an alumnus from the university.  I loved the fact that they blasted North Carolina by 33 yesterday. I found the team fairly exciting to watch during the Pat Kennedy years and have watched since. From that point on the Seminoles have attracted top 100 talent to Tallahassee. It’s just that they’ve never really put it all together. They did have a Sweet 16 run last year, but other than that they haven’t had much success.

I like Leonard Hamilton as a coach. I think he’s done a fairly good job at FSU and has put them in position to be the third best team in the ACC behind Duke and North Carolina. However, I think the Seminoles are capable of bigger things. I hate to say it but I think Hamilton might be holding them back.

Before anyone blasts me about Hamilton’s accomplishments in Fla., just hear me out. He has consistently recruited the best talent behind Duke and North Carolina. He’s built a fantastic defensive team, but his teams are quite offensive. As in bad.

With yesterday’s blowout win over the Tar Heels being more the exception than the rule, the Seminoles have trouble throwing the ball into the ocean. I call them the “gang that can’t shoot straight”. They have the athletes/players, but the offense gets so stagnant they have trouble scoring. I think Hamilton needs to turn them loose. Not Paul Westhead run and gun, but they need to take advantage of their superior athleticism against some teams. There’s no reason they should struggle against the likes of Harvard, Princeton, and Clemson.

The Seminoles won’t be able to ride the hot streak they had against the Tar Heels yesterday. They need to generate more easy baskets on the offensive end. They have the defense to do it, they just need to trnaslate the defensive stops into points. If not they’ll find themselves on the outside looking in come March.

FSU’s Singleton To Start A Clothing Line

19 May

With the NBA draft looming as well as a possible lockout, it would be wise for potential draftees to find other avenues of income. That advice would be wise to current players as well.

In the past professional athletes weren’t very smart in their business endeavors. Plans that weren’t well thought out, trusting the wrong people and investing in lousy deals are just some of the problems that have plagued current and former athletes when they enter the business world.

Florida State’s Chris Singleton seems to have a well planned venture underway. Free from the shackles of the NCAA prohibitng student athletes from having any kind of earning power, Singleton and teammate AJ Yawn and a couple of other friends from FSU, are starting a clothing line called Doughpe Clothing. It’s pronounced “dope”, a hip-hop term meaning fresh or cool.

Yawn gave a brief overview of the company.

[AJ Yawn]: The uniqueness of the company name, paired with the familiarity of the term as it relates to the common phrase ‘dope’ meaning cool, and socially acceptable in the hip-hop culture, will attract customers within the target demographics. Consumers in our target audience won’t have a problem accepting the name because the word “dope” is used in daily slang describing something that is fresh, new, or cool. Doughpe is a creative spin on this word and places the customers in a mindset that even before they see the product, they are assured that the clothing will be something they would like and desire to purchase. 

Singleton, who will most likely be a first round NBA draft pick, will be the biggest name affiliated with the company. It was a good decision to be involved with a small group that you know well to start off. He won’t be involved in the day to day, since he’ll be playing basketball. It’s more of a Tallahassee based venture for now, but I’m sure they’ll try to take it to another level. Most of the company’s sales will be carried out online at



Spawn Of The Super Bowl Shuffle

17 Jan

Ever since the Chicago Bears ‘shuffled’ thier way to a Super Bowl with a song and video along the way, every team that has tasted a bit of success has had a song either dedicated to them or made one themselves, college or pro. Every team hasn’t lived up to the hype or promise of bringing home a championship.

There have been teams that have made or adopted songs in homage to their team. There was the Super Bowl Shuffle. There was a forgettable Florida State video that you know Deion Sanders was behind. All that did was piss off the Miami Hurricanes. The New england townies decided to make a song. A cheesy response to the Bears’ song before Super Bowl 20. We know what happened in that game. Remember when the Jacksonville Jaguars made a song on their way to the Super Bowl. Former Green Bay Packers receiver Robert Brooks mad “Jump In The Stands”, a song about his signature touchdown celebration. They were derailed by the Tennessee Titans. For some reason this seems to go on mostly in football than any other sport.

With the NFL playoffs going in to championship weekend there are more “anthems” out fo their teams. Rapper Wiz Khalifa’s song “Black and Yellow” happened to be adopted by the Pittsburgh Steelers. That one happened to spawn copycat versions of the song.      

Even the Oakland Raiders got in on the act during their Super Bowl run, only to get destroyed by Tampa Bay.

Here’s one dedicated to the New York Jets.

Here’s a message. Win something and then you and the fans can make all the songs and videos you guys want. I can’t stand teams or their fans that want to make a song that’s dedicated to the their team before they actually win something. 

A retrospective moment

19 Dec

I was watching the ESPN 30 for 30 special on the University of Miami football team.It was entertaining and insightful and it was good to see former Hurricanes coaches and players talk about their experience at “THE U”.Going from the Schellenberger era to now it was good to get an inside look at what made them what they are.To me they were unfairly branded as thugs,convicts,outlaws or whatever.Even though they embraced that image,they also didn’t like being called that by outsiders.Overall it definitely was a must see.There was one moment that stuck with me though.I forgot who said it pissed them off and called Florida State a Miami wannabe,but it was this seminole rap video,that even i didn’t know existed.I thought it was pretty funny.


I can’t believe Bobby Bowden let them make this.I remember the first game of that season,the Canes whipped them 31-0.Guess that’s where Deion Sanders got his rap career started.

bowl games and bobby bowden

15 Oct

I love college football as much as any fan out there.admit it,i know there are plenty of guys out there that love their college football from noon to night every saturday.i’m one of them.but i just can’t take anymore bowl games.there’s too many as it is and now the powers that be in the ncaa are going to give us more.i remember looking forward to the new years day bowl games knowing you were going to watch 8 to 10 of the top teams in the the games don’t mean as much as they used to thanks to the creation of the bcs.even the games prior to new years had some excitement and a decent matchup to it seems that mediocrity is being rewarded and we as fans get stuck watching crappy matchups and teams that we hardly about that florida atlantic/stanford matchup.they really need to cut down on the games and reward teams that win at least 7 games instead of the current 6.i think it would make for better matchups therefore better games.not saying that some teams aren’t deserving,but you can finish damn near dead last in your conference and still get to go bowling.
  Another subject is good ol Bobby Bowden.currently under fire at Florida State and rightfully so.his teams have seen a dramatic decline in recent years.i don’t think the game has passed him by,but i think there were some factors in that decline.of course there’s recruiting,but i think a big one was losing mark richt to georgia.that one seems to get overlooked.another one which is well publicized is hiring his son jeff as offensive coordinator.i personally think he has hung on to mickey andrews as his defensive coordinator for too long as i think many have caught on to his schemes.i do think bobby needs to retire,but should be able to go out on his own terms.he built it up to elite status,won big,and has a couple of national championships.if it weren’t for him they might be scuffling with the Memphis’ and SMU’s of the world.they i know times are tough for the seminoles right now but don’t run the man that brought you to the pearly gates of college football out of town.he deserves to go out on his own and who knows this thing might turn around like it did for Joe Paterno at Penn State when they were calling for his least give him a chance to see if it can get turned around.