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Florida’s Erving Walker charged with stealing taco

31 Mar

In a pretty strange crime to hit the blotter, Florida guard Erving Walker has been charged with stealing a taco and running from police.

Walker, a senior who ranks first in school history in assists, was arrested and given a notice to appear in court early Friday. He was charged with petty theft and resisting an officer without violence, both misdemeanors. He was not taken to jail.

Gainesville Police say Walker ordered a $3 taco from a street vendor, got the food and ran away without paying. When a police officer caught up with him and told him stop, Walker kept going, according to the police report.

When officers finally caught Walker with help from “several marked patrol cars,” he told them he was “just playing around,” the report said.

Walker is scheduled to appear in court April 19.

You steal a taco and elude police and you were just playing? I don’t think so. I do think it’s funny that Walker couldn’t afford to pay for $3 taco. I know that he has to be getting hooked up by some boosters down in Gainesville. So you know he could’ve paid for it. He must’ve really been hungry to evade the cops over it.

Maybe if Walker would’ve spent more time “playing” against Louisville in the Gators Elite Eight loss, they’d be in New Orleans playing in the Final Four.