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Heat staff still not convinced Curry can help

18 Mar

Eddy Curry was signed to provide the Miami Heat with some bench depth and front line help. So far he hasn’t given them much and it looks like it’ll remain that way.

Barry Jackson from the Miami Herald reported that even though Curry has lost weight and is under 300 pounds the staff isn’t convinced he deserves more time on the court.

Eddy Curry has dropped below 300 pounds for the first time in a while, and coaches rave about his work ethic. Udonis Haslem said his defense in practice has improved immensely. But the staff still isn’t convinced he can offer as much than Dexter Pittman (especially defensively) in limited minutes. And Spoelstra has barely used Pittman the past three games

Man. From being a lottery pick to being on par with Dexter Pittman. They’ll both do more than me with a basketball than I’ll do my entire life, but when you (Curry) were supposed to be a building block and a mainstay in the league and bomb that just says you got by in high school on pure talent. And now you’re barely beating out Dexter Pittman for limited minutes. Remember when Curry and Tyson Chandler were supposed to be the foundation for a young Chicago Bulls team?  

That seems like it was 20 years ago now.

Pat Riley Thinking Hard About Signing Eddy Curry

2 Apr

A Yahoo Sports story is saying that the Miami Heat are seriously considering signing big man Eddy Curry. The same Eddy Curry that hasn’t played for nearly two years.

Pat Riley went to see Curry in a workout in Chicago recently and plans to bring him to Miami for another workout. The Heat are hoping he can be somewhat of a low post presence for the playoff run. I say fat chance, and I mean that in a literal sense. Curry still weighs in at a robust 350 pounds and I don’t see him whipping himself imto shape to be any kind of help to the Heat.

The Heat seem desperate since they don’t have much depth. They’re thin on the front line and playing Chris Boshn at center and LeBron James at power forward isn’t gonna get it done in the playoffs against the East’s elite. They recently signed defensive liability Mike Bibby for backcourt help and now this.

A league source said this signing is a “better than a 50-50 chance” probability. Good luck with that one. If this were about three years ago I might say it’s a good deal, I just don’t see Curry offering much help.