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Chicago shooting victim is Wade’s nephew

31 Mar

In a violent six hour stretch in Chicago, two people were killed and 11 were left wounded. One of the victims injured is reported to be Dwayne Wade’s nephew.

One of the people wounded in a Gresham convenience store shooting that left one man dead and five others hurt is the nephew of Miami Heat basketball star Dwyane Wade, according to a statement by the Chicago native.

The shooting happened at about 6 p.m. Thursday at the Bishop Golden store on the 1400 block of West 79th Street when two men jumped out of an SUV, walked into the small store and opened fire, according to police. One of the people used a TEC-9 type gun.

“I don’t have all of the details at this time,” Wade said in a written statement released early Friday evening. “My thoughts and prayers are with all involved, including my nephew and sister. Having grown up in the inner-city, I am aware of the difficult realities that exist on the streets. One of the goals of my foundation, the Wade’s World Foundation, is to continue to spread the message that the violence needs to stop.”

This comes one week after Wade and his Miami Heat teammates spoke out on the highly publicized Trayvon Martin case.

Personally my prayers not only go out to his nephew, but to all victims of senseless violent crimes that have been plaguing the inner city youth for decades. Hopefully Wade can use his celebrity to make a difference.

Wade Says Beasley Needs To Dedicate Himself To The Game

31 Dec

Michael Beasley came into the NBA with a ton of hype and ability. The only concern any scouts had about Beasley were between the ears. I guess he may have been a little space headed. He still has ability to be a top shelf player in the NBA, that’s not going anywhere. The question is whether or not Beasley can properly dedicate himself to the game.

Former Miami Heat teammate Dwayne Wade says that if Beasley is ever going to live up to his billing that he must have the focus and dedication to get there. A winning environment might also help.

“Michael is an unbelievable talent,” Wade said. “And he can erupt any game, any moment. The ability that he has to use both hands around the basket, finishing. His jumpshot. He has all the tools. With Michael, it’s just going to take him to continue to grow at the game, and get to a winning environment, and start understanding what his team needs from him. I mean, he’s a good player. He’s one of the best young talents that we have in the game. But he has the potential to be a great player. If he wants it. And that’s what we always told him in Miami. So we’ll see.”

To anyone that didn’t know why Beasley was dealt to the Minnesota Timberwolves for a bag of hockey pucks, you know now. One day Beasley’s mind might catch up with his body.


Carlos Boozer Throws The First Stone

13 May

Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. Chicago Bulls forward Carlos Boozer should pay attention to that old adage.

Boozer, who has been called out for his subpar playoff performance has started the war of words between the Miami Heat and Chicago Bulls. In a tweet to Shandel Richardson from the Sun Sentinel , Boozer said the Heat had two great players. Boozer doesn’t see Miami’s big three as a big three. He clearly sees it as a big two and a third wheel.

Now Bosh wasn’t having the greatest playoff against Boston, but stepped it up when he had to. Bosh will have to continue his high level of play if Miami is to beat Chicago. On the other hand Boozer will have to be big in this series, especially since he let off the first verbal shot in the series.   

Dwayne Wade Wants To Hear Your Boos

19 Feb

When the Miami Heat signed Chris Bosh and LeBron James over the summer to form the Superfriends, every basketball fan from coast to coast had some animosity. More so in the cities of Cleveland and Toronto, where Bosh and James escaped from to go to Miami. So when the Heat go to Cleveland and Toronto, Bosh and James get the business and Dwayne Wade gets cheers. Wade recently joked that he would like to get booed as much as James and Bosh.

“Yeah, that’s like a slap in the face,” Wade said, smiling in an interview with the Palm Beach Post. “You know, we go back to Cleveland, I got cheered. We come here, I get cheered. That’s a slap in the face to these guys. No, those cheers are boos to me as well.”

Even in jest Wade would never be vilified, except in his hometown of Chicago since he never really entertained the thought of signing with the Bulls. Also, he didn’t bail out on his current team for another and leave a franchise in shambles. I’ll say this, Wade was smart to recruit Bosh and James to Miami. Toronto wasn’t going anywhere and we see what Cleveland is without LeBron. If anything Wade is guilty by association, and I say that jokingly. Wade will never be lustily booed unless he’s in Boston, L.A.(against the Lakers), or Chicago.

Personally I think fans need to get over this I hate the Miami Heat thing. Since when do you see players giving up money to win. They still get paid an obscene amount and they also know they need other pieces around them to win. I’m sure it adds more fuel for them to win.

Bosh Hurts Ankle Blames Omer Asik

16 Jan

The worse case scenario is coming to fruition for the Miami Heat. With LeBron James already on the sidelines with a sore ankle, Chris Bosh hurt his ankle in a loose ball scrum Saturday night in a loss to the Chicago Bulls.

With a thin froncourt and limited on depth Dwayne Wade will have to go at it alone until further notice. The team’s depth will be tested and luckily it’ll only be for a limited time. Luckily x-rays wee negative.

Meanwhile, Bosh wasn’t too pleased with Bulls big man Omer Asik. Asik made a late dive for the loose ball.  Ok, it was late but you can’t question his hustle. That’s part of the game and what you get paid for. Bosh has his money, Asik might not have a contract next year.

 “C’mon, that is how guys get hurt, that is how serious injuries happen. You’ve got to watch people’s legs. I know guys want to hustle and everything but we all want to play and provide for our families and have a job.We all want to be healthy and that is very important If it is by somebody’s leg, don’t dive for the ball, it’s too close.”

That’s what Bosh had had to say about it. If you would’ve dove on the floor you wouldnt’ve had that leg exposed. I guess you couldn’t get a floor burn and not risk yourself to possible injury. Next time dive and preserve your health.

Don’t Be Alarmed

27 Oct

The Miami Heat and their supertrio probably played the worst game they’ll probably play this year. The Heat dropped an 88-80 decision to the Boston Celtics last night. Save for LeBron James, the Heat didn’t play that well. They showed flashes and LeBron showed that he might be the go to guy out of the three. Due to a hamstring injury and his divorce/custody case Dwayne Wade looked a little rusty to me. Chris Bosh looked like Chris Bosh having a lousy night in Toronto. Also as usual Boton played their trademark tough defense. They won’t look this way every game. Nor will they look like the 72 win Bulls team every game. But there’s no way they put together another nine point quarter this year.

LeBron Will Never Be Viewed As The King

10 Jul

With LeBron James officially a member of the Miami Heat, its safe to say that many will say that no matter how many titles he wins there, he will never be known as the King. James is without a doubt one of the top players in the NBA today and perhaps will go down as one of the greatest of all time. But with him signing with Miami just says that he wasn’t able to close the deal in Cleveland. I will agree with many that a championship in Cleveland would’ve meant a whole lot more to his legacy than teaming up with Dwayne Wade and Chris Bosh to win one and possibly more. I’m not here to bash James for his decision. In the spirit of competition,the man wants to win.I can’t blame him for that. Same goes for Wade and Bosh. Both of them will be look at the same. Players that couldn’t win without another superstar. Wade does have a ring and it was his team, but he still had Shaq with two good knees and something to prove. It also helps to have the officials in your back pocket and another star (Dirk Nowitzki) shrinkig up in the spotlight.  All three are grea players, but the spotlight wll be squarely on James. This is Wade’s team and his town. I’ve always said that James lacked a killer instinct, and him going to Miami confirmed my suspicion. True, he’s a great player, but in the past and this year’s playoffs included, he has shrunk in big moments. It kind of reminds me of Ric Flair hiding behind the Four Horsemen. There’s a tier of great players like Bill Russell, Michael Jordan, Magic Johnson, and Larry Bird. Its true they had stellar help around them, but the team was built around them. Like the Cavaliers were built around James. Instead he will go down with the likes of James Worthy, Billy Cunningham, Robert Parish, and countless good players who were a cog in the machine.  

Nasty Dunk

14 Nov

This was absolutely NASTY. I know it rattled Varejao.