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Former Duke center, Brian Zoubek to open a cream puff shop

30 May

The last memory of former Duke center, Brian Zoubek, was of him celebrating a national championship victory over Butler. After that he kind of vanished. Not that it’s a bad thing some people excel outside of the sports world and Zoubek is putting his Duke education to good use.

Zoubek will be opening a cream puff pastry shop in his hometown of Haddonfield, New Jersey. Cream puffs have been a lifelong favorite of Zoubek’s and now he aims to turn his love of them into a successful business.

“I love to make cream puffs,” he said. I’m just a fat kid, at heart. I’ve loved cream puffs my whole life. When I was growing up, I used to get therm from another place in town.”  

Zoubek’s store will be called Cream Puff Creations, amended from “Heavenly Cream Puff Creations,” after that name didn’t align with city code that requires signs to have no more than three words. Zoubek won’t be making the pastries himself.

This isn’t the big man’s first time around in the entrepreneurial arena as he and a few of his college buddies started a technology store in New York City so he does have some knowledge in running a business.

North Carolina wanted to cut down the nets at Duke

27 Apr

The Duke-North Carolina rivalry is the best rivalry in college basketball. No doubt about it. I’m not crazy about either one but you can’t deny that fact.

In the 2011-2012 season Duke beat the Tar Heels in a thriller in Chapel Hill. Carolina went down to Durham and returned the favor. After the game in Durham the rivalry nearly went into another stratosphere. Tar Heel players wanted to cut down the nets at Cameron Indoor Stadium. And coach Roy Williams nearly allowed it.

During the Tar Heel Tour, which is a Carolina media blitz, Williams answered questions and brought up the issue of cutting down the nets.

Williams called this past season “hard”. Despite the 32-6 record, Williams said the team never “had the chance to celebrate” aside from the victory over Duke to end the season.

However, the team thought about cutting down the nets in Cameron Indoor Stadium, but Williams thought it “might cause a scene.”

Cause a scene? It would’ve caused a riot. Although I probably would’ve taken great joy in seeing that happen. That would’ve been worse than the Ohio State football players tearing down the “Go Blue” banner before the Michigan game in 1973.

N.C. State players happy about Duke’s loss

18 Mar

Time after time, players from rival schools always snicker and cheer when one of them loses. So when Duke lost to Lehigh in a second round tournament shocker there were a few North Carolina State players who enjoyed the moment, even though they were trying to downplay the moment.

“I was very happy,” Richard Howell said.

“I’m with Rich,” C.J. Leslie said.

Given the fact that N.C. State has always been looked down upon by Duke and North Carolina I can understand your joy. On the other hand Wolfpack players and fans alike should worry about elevating their program before taking joy in others’ misery.


Duke Football Player Arrested For Drug Trafficking

22 Apr

When you think of Duke, you think of academic excellence, their highly successful basketball program, and scores of graduates that have tasted success in the real world. You normally don’t think of their football program and when you do think of it, it brings me the thought a sad sack team usually getting crushed in the ACC. But their players are probably the boss at a Fortune 500 company so their not bothered by it. Go ahead Duke fans rip me if you want, I can take it.

Duke linebacker Tyree Glover tried his hardest to get rid of the Duke image as a goody two shoes university. There’s nothing wrong with being what I just labeled them, I only said that because Glover was arrested and charged for trafficking in cocaine. Hardly what you think of when you think of Duke.  

The 6-foot-1, 255-pound sophomore linebacker from Crescent City, Fla., was being held in the Durham County jail Thursday in lieu of $750,000 bond …

[Police spokesperson Kammie] Michael said police then obtained a search warrant and searched his dorm room on the Duke campus where they found marijuana.

Michael said police confiscated 29.6 grams of powder cocaine and 72.4 grams of marijuana.

Naturally he was kicked off the team by head coach David Cutcliffe “for conduct unbecoming of a member of the program”. Translation: Tyree f’d up bad.

Nice way of trying to dispel the Duke stereotype Mr. Glover. Duke is one of the most prestigious universites in America and you go there trying to be Nino Brown. What’s with college football players trying to be the dopeman these days.