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Drew Stanton wants out of New York

23 Mar

When former Detroit Lions quarterback Drew Stanton signed with the New York Jets, he signed there with the knowledge that he would be the number two quarterback behind starter Mark Sanchez. But the Jets went out and traded for Tim Tebow and now his backup status is in doubt and Stanton wants out of New York.

Stanton passed over other teams and more money to sign with the Jets and now he feels screwed. The Jets are trying to accommodate Stanton by seeking out a trade for the disgruntled third stringer.

“When we signed Drew, obviously this (trading for Tebow) was not contemplated in that decision,” Jets general manager Mike Tannenbaum told the newspaper on Wednesday. “When you get an unexpected opportunity to add a player like Tim, you have to take advantage of that.”  

If I’m Stanton I’d just wait on getting released. Not that he is a bad player, it’s just that there is hardly a trade market for him. But hey we said the same thing about Tebow.