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MSU’s Derrick Nix suspended indefinitely following arrest

4 Apr

After Michigan State’s season ending loss to Louisville in the Sweet Sixteen of the NCAA tournament, center Derrick Nix talked as if he was ready to take on a leadership role for the team next season. It would take some big shoes to fill Draymond Green’s leadership void and Nix was willing to take the role. Nix had a lot of work to be done to be regarded as a leader and it’s going to even harder for him after the recent turn of events.

Nix was arrested for possession of marijuana and operating a vehicle with the presence of drugs. He’s now suspended indefinitely and even though he does have a small window to regain his spot on the team he has no margin for error.

East Lansing police pulled Nix over at Lake Lansing and Abbot roads. He was driving a red, 2011 Dodge. Nix must reappear at 54B court in 4-10 days for arraignment . Both charges are misdemeanors.

“Based on the information we have received, Derrick Nix has been suspended indefinitely from our basketball team, and his future with our program is uncertain,” Tom Izzo said in a released statement. “He made an irresponsible decision that has put his future with our program in serious jeopardy.”

Another question that could draw a red flag is where did he get the car from? I’m not saying there’s any dirty dealings but that question always comes up.

Nix needs to get his house in order because the Spartans were counting on him to have a bigger role on the team.