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Siena to give Derek Jeter an honorary degree

17 Apr

It will be a special moment at Siena University on May 13. That is their day of commencement and New York Yankees shortstop Derek Jeter will receive an honorary doctorate.  

Siena says it chose to give the degree to Jeter “in recognition of his leadership, accomplishments on the baseball field and dedication to improving the lives of young people through his Turn 2 Foundation.”

In a statement, Jeter says he’s humbled by Siena’s move, adding he “will cherish this degree as highly as any honor I have received or will receive.”

Jeter won’t be able to make the ceremony since the Yankees will be playing the Seattle Mariners, but he will have a video message played. His sister, Sharlee, will be there to accept the degree for him.

Does that mean we’ll have to call him Dr. Jeter?