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Denard Robinson Seeks NFL Advice

22 Dec

Michigan quarterback Denard Robinson has asked the NFL Draft advisory board for information on where he would get drafted if he entered the 2012 NFL Draft.

From’s Adam Rittenberg:

I also asked “Shoelace” whether or not he had submitted paperwork to the NFL draft advisory board.

“I did,” Robinson said, “but we’ll see what happens.”

Asked if he’s planning to return to Michigan in 2012, Robinson said, “most likely, yes.”

Breathe easy Michigan fans that doesn’t mean he plans on leaving. He just submitted paperwork to get a feel on where he would land if he decided to leave school. Robinson is one of the most dynamic playmakers in college football today, but right now his skills do not translate to playing quarterback in the NFL.

Cool down Tebow-breath. Just because Tim Tebow’s skills alledgedly did not translate to the league and has done ok doesn’t mean Robinson’s will. For all his playmaking skills, Robinson has a long way to go before he’s thought of as a legitimate NFL quarterback prospect.

Robinson does have a year under his belt in offensive coordinator Al Borges’ pro style system so that should help him as he progresses to the 2012-13 season.

“A year under my belt is going to help me a lot,” Robinson said. “I think I can do some special things next year.”     

Another year will help him, but whether that makes scouts see him more than a slot receiver or return man remains to be seen.

Michigan’s Forcier Ineligible For Gator Bowl

31 Dec

I don’t advocate cheating in sports. But if your a “student-athlete” how the hell do you become ineligible. That’s always been a question I’ve asked myself. You know there’s always at least one person out there who just wants to be your “friend” and will do anything to help you get by.

The reason I bring this up is because Michigan’s Tate Forcier is academically ineligible for Michigan’s Gator Bowl date with Mississippi State on New Year’s Day. Forcier is the backup quarterback to Denard Robinson. If Devin Gardner got the redshirt that Rich Rodriguez requested, the Wolverines are screwed if Robinson gets hurt. I don’t know if he got the redshirt or that he can pull it. 

Back to Tate’s ineligibility. How does he screw up in the classroom. Granted, I’ve never been on a college campus, so I’ll never know how hard the classes actually are. But for an athlete they give them classes that aren’t too hard. Forcier explained that he has never been the greatest student. Well we know that now don’t we. He also said that he was street smart, but not smart clasroom-wise. Didn’t know you were from the mean streets Tate.

Like I said, I don’t know how hard being a “student-athlete” in college can be. But they do give you resources to succeed. And if you have a hard time acheiving in the classroom, there’s always someone there to “help”.   

Deja Vu

12 Sep

Didn’t us Michigan fans see this last year. A blowout win against an overwhelmed opponent in the opener and a scintillating win over Notre Dame. A Top 25 ranking only to see the bottom fall out. Don’t get me wrong. I’m not bailing on the Wolverines, but its a little too fast to start with the “Michigan is back” talk. I don’t wanna hear how Denard Robinson is the early leader in the Heisman chase. I heard it last year about Tate Forcier and last I checked he had a towel over his head, pouting on the sideline. His future is now in doubt. Just wait and see what happens when they hit the Big Ten schedule. I’m not saying they’ll tank like last year, but it’ll be a lot tougher than UConn and UMass. And before you tell me Indiana is an automatic “W”, remember they took Michigan down to the wire last year in the Big House. Which was the last time they won a Big Ten game, a game they probably should’ve lost. Call me cynical, I just feel they have more to prove until I feel comfy as a Wolverines fan. Just stop all the Heisman and conference title talk. We were at the same point last year and it was downhill from that point on.