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DeMarcus Ware agrees with Jerry Jones about the Cowboys’ window of opportunity

4 Jul

With every passing year a team that doesn’t win a championship sees their window of opportunity start to slam shut. Back in May, Dallas Cowboys owner Jerry Jones said that the Dallas Cowboys’ window is starting to close and said that the team needed to win now.

Count defensive end DeMarcus Ware as one who is on board with Jones’ assessment.

“I feel like from my standpoint, we’re a better team than we were last year, and it’s going to show on the field,” Ware said. “Jerry saying that the window’s closing, I’m with Jerry. The window can be closing. It closes every year. It just depends on if you’re going to walk through that door or not. I’m with Jerry on that.”

With the players the Cowboys have on the roster they should have the urgency to win it all now. The problem is that the stars never align right for them and they fall short of the Super Bowl aspirations.