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Delmon Young apologizes, answers questions from media

5 May

After a week of hearing nothing from him Detroit Tigers outfielder Delmon Young met with the media to apologize and answer questions. 

Although he probably had someone write this out for him and was coached on what to say, Young appeared to be emotional at times but contrite about his misgivings. Young didn’t point fingers or try to blame anyone else. He placed the blame at his feet. He couldn’t speak on anything case related, but I get the feeling that he’ll get off light.

“I put myself in a bad situation and have no one to blame but myself. I’m currently getting treatment in an alcohol program through Major League Baseball,” he said. “I just want to let people know that I’m not all the things that are saying about me. I made a lapse in judgment, but I can tell you that I am not an anti-Semitic.

“I wasn’t raised that way. I come from a good family

“I hope that through the treatment program, I’ll get all the help I need to come back and be a great teammate and successful baseball player in the Tigers’ organization.

“I’ll let my action from here on out take care of itself.”

“With the job we have, everything is going to be public whether it’s good or bad,” said Young, 26. “It comes with the territory of being a professional athlete.
“I hope that after a while that people will see the person who’s being portrayed isn’t who I am. But I know it’s going to take a while. You don’t convince anyone with one speech.”

Young also spoke with a local rabbi and both said it was a “wonderful conversation”.

The only way this blows over is if Young works hard, keeps his mouth shut, and produces. If he doesn’t he’ll hear about it all year.

Could Jurrjens Come Back To Detroit?

26 Dec

When the Detroit Tigers traded pitcher Jair Jurrjens and outfielder Gorkys Hernandez to the Atlanta Braves for shortstop Edgar Renteria it soon became one of the more regrettable Tigers trades in recent memory.

Although Hernandez really never panned out, Jurrjens certainly went on to become a nice addition for the Braves while Renteria continued to age and prove why he wasn’t a player for the American League.

But could the Tigers undo the wrong so to speak and bring Jurrjens back?

According to Jon Heyman, Jair Jurrjens has drawn some interest from the Orioles, Red Sox, Blue Jays, Rockies, Rangers and Tigers.

As expected there is going to be plenty of interest if Jurrjens is put on the block however there are some injury concerns with Jurrjens. He missed the end of last season with a knee injury which in some ways has placed him behind Oakland starter Gio Gonzalez in the pecking order for teams pursuing starting pitching. Jurrjens though has shown he is a pitcher that can compete in the majors.

With Gonzalez headed to the Washington Nationals it could be a possibility. A slight one, but still a possibility.

It is believed that Atlanta may shop the young right hander Jurrjens given the large supply of pitching talent the Braves currently have and the current need of offensive help.

Would this be another situation in which the Tigers and Braves start talking trade and could outfielder Delmon Young be in the mix yet again?

Delmon Young Out For The ALCS

8 Oct

The Detroit Tigers will be missing one of their major factors when they start the ALCS tonight against the Texas Rangers.

Delmon Young has been taken off the roster for the ALCS due to an oblique injury he suufered late in Game 5 against the New York Yankees. Young will be replaced on the roster by Danny Worth and the Tigers will likely with a platoon of Don Kelly and Ryan Raburn in leftfield.

I’m kind of surprised that they didn’t replace him with Andy Dirks, but I figure they will need Worth to play a little second base and pinch run. The loss of Young is a major blow to the Tigers as he has thrived hitting third in front of Miguel Cabrera. Also the way the offense performed against the Yankees in the ALDS, they were going to have to step it to beat the Rangers.

I know pitching wins championships but having an offense to compliment the pitching makes a team a complete threat.