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Deion Sanders’ Divorce About To Get Ugly

18 Jan

The gloves are off in the Deion Sanders/Pilar Sanders divorce case. When it was first mentioned that they were getting a divorce, Deion said the two were on good terms. He was way off on that. Now Pilar has filed documents that puts Deion in a negative light.

Pilar accused him of being a cheater, narcissistic and a bully. Deion narcissistic? No way, who knew? I can see him having an affair. Being the wife of a sports celebrity it kind of goes with the territory. It doesn’t make it right, but she knew what she was getting into. As far as being a bully, I don’t know. I know he wasn’t one on the football field, that much I do know.

Pilar slammed Deion in the documents basically saying he was unfit to be a husband.

 In the docs, obtained by TMZ, Pilar states her husband of 12 years “has been guilty of unkind, uncaring, insensitive, cruel and unusual treatment of [Pilar] … as well as physical, mental and emotional abuse of [Pilar] and the parties’ children.”

Pilar says the divorce should be granted on grounds of “mental, emotional and physical abandonment.”

Pilar adds, “[Deion] committed numerous acts of adultery … on numerous occasions throughout the marriage.” Just to be clear, she adds, “[Deion] voluntarily had sexual intercourse with others who were not his spouse.”

It gets nastier … she adds, “[Deion] is a bully” … who “suffers from a narcissistic personality disorder, needs a full psychological evaluation.”

In the docs, filed today in Texas, Pilar claims Deion also needs a parenting coach to teach him how to be a better father.  

Now, on to the money — Pilar claims the judge should throw out their prenup … and award Pilar a lion’s share of the estate … because she feels she was duped into signing the deal while under duress. 

In the docs, Pilar requests sole legal custody of the couple’s three mutual children … claiming Deion is a bad, absentee father. 

Pilar is also asking for exclusive access to the couple’s mega-mansion in Texas … meaning she wants Deion to finally pack his stuff and get out.     

Looks like this has taken a turn for the worse. I don’t see Pilar getting what she wants out of this. I’m not saying Deion was an angel or wasn’t guilty of some of the charges, but this I’ll be surprised if this goes her way.

Spawn Of The Super Bowl Shuffle

17 Jan

Ever since the Chicago Bears ‘shuffled’ thier way to a Super Bowl with a song and video along the way, every team that has tasted a bit of success has had a song either dedicated to them or made one themselves, college or pro. Every team hasn’t lived up to the hype or promise of bringing home a championship.

There have been teams that have made or adopted songs in homage to their team. There was the Super Bowl Shuffle. There was a forgettable Florida State video that you know Deion Sanders was behind. All that did was piss off the Miami Hurricanes. The New england townies decided to make a song. A cheesy response to the Bears’ song before Super Bowl 20. We know what happened in that game. Remember when the Jacksonville Jaguars made a song on their way to the Super Bowl. Former Green Bay Packers receiver Robert Brooks mad “Jump In The Stands”, a song about his signature touchdown celebration. They were derailed by the Tennessee Titans. For some reason this seems to go on mostly in football than any other sport.

With the NFL playoffs going in to championship weekend there are more “anthems” out fo their teams. Rapper Wiz Khalifa’s song “Black and Yellow” happened to be adopted by the Pittsburgh Steelers. That one happened to spawn copycat versions of the song.      

Even the Oakland Raiders got in on the act during their Super Bowl run, only to get destroyed by Tampa Bay.

Here’s one dedicated to the New York Jets.

Here’s a message. Win something and then you and the fans can make all the songs and videos you guys want. I can’t stand teams or their fans that want to make a song that’s dedicated to the their team before they actually win something. 

Quote Of The Week: Deion Sanders

21 Dec

Deion Sanders didn’t like the fact that Donovan McNabb was benched in favor of Rex Grossman. Here’s his thoughts about it.

“Replacing McNabb with Grossman is like replacing Beyonce in Destiny’s Child with Macy Gray. She can sang but it ain’t Beyonce.”

That’s a creative way of putting it. But McNabb isn’t the McNabb of old. I suspect he’ll be out of Washington in the offseason.