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Brady Hoke Takes The High Road

15 Jan

Newly minted Michigan head coach Brady Hoke refuses to engage in a war of words with former NFL lineman and San Diego State alum Kyle Turley. A good thing since Turley has went on to talking about other thins such as Dan Marino going Cheech and Chong before games.

Anyway it’s a good thing Hoke refuses to be baited into something juvenile. He knows what the task at hand is an that’s to rejuvenate and rebuild the Michigan football program. Hoke says he has bigger fish to fry.

Y’know what, Kyle and I really started to build a pretty good relationship,” he said, “and I understand his reactions and his sentiments, but I’ll reach out to him. I have bigger fish to fry with what we’re trying to get set up here, but I’ll reach out to Kyle. He’s a proud San Diego State alum, who’s a tremendous football player, and all-around, he’s a good person.”

Turley is also a whack job that should keep his mouth shut.