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Oregon’s Cliff Harris In The Fast And The Furious

14 Jun

Here’s another story involving an Oregon Ducks football player.

Star cornerback Cliff Harris was clocked going 118 mph in a 65 mph zone with a suspended license by Oregon State Police. Harris, who was driving a rented 2011 Nissan Altima, was cited for driving while suspended and exceeding the speed limit in excess of 100 mph. Two other teammates were in the car with Harris but weren’t cited for anything.

Harris, who will be a junior next season, was spotted at 4:32 a.m. by an off-duty officer, who contacted a trooper patrolling the area, according to a statement from the OSP.

Harris wasn’t drunk and no one was hurt. That was the best news that came out of this story.

Oregon needs to be careful before the NCAA starts sniffing around wondering where players are getting rentals cars from. Of course coach Chip Kelly is disappointed.

“We are obviously very disappointed in the lack of judgment exercised by Cliff and feel it’s unacceptable,” Oregon head football coach Chip Kelly said in a statement issued Monday afternoon. “I’ve said from the beginning that it should be a privilege to play football at the University of Oregon. With that said, individuals must bear the responsibilities for their own behavior. Once we have finished collecting all the information in this situation, we will determine the appropriate action.”

If the Ducks aren’t careful Kelly will have more disappointment than speeding tickets.