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Lakers wheeling and dealing

15 Mar

With the trade deadline looming, the Los Angeles Lakers have been doing some retooling to their roster. Earlier today it was reported that the Lakers sent Luke Walton and a first round pick to the Cleveland Cavaliers for point guard Ramon Sessions and  forward Christian Eyenga.

There also has been confirmation by Ken Berger of that the Lakers will be sending Derek Fisher and a first round pick to the Houston Rockets for forward Jordan Hill.

What this does for the Lakers is give them a servicable point guard in Sessions that is capable of scoring, and they add a rugged big body in Hill that can give Pau Gasol or Andrew Bynum a rest for a few minutes. He won’t score like them but he can play defense and rebound.

In a Western Conference where the only legitimate threat is Oklahoma City, the Lakers appear to be getting a makeover for another run at the Finals.    

Quote Of The Week: Ron Artest

12 Jun

Everyone knows that Ron Artest says and does some crazy things. He’s done it again recently when he was kind of praising new Los Angeles Lakers coach Mike Brown.

“I think it’s good,” Artest said. “Mike Brown is a guy who got LeBron and the Cleveland Cavaliers to the championship with just LeBron and a bunch of old ladies in canes. I don’t know how he did that, I don’t know how he did that, but he’s a great coach — I played for him in Indiana. He was a great defensive mind. Rick Carlisle did all of the offense, and Mike Brown did all of the defense.”

Ouch! I know the Cavs were limited around LeBron but damn. That’s worse than what ESPN’s Doug Gottlieb labeled Michigan State before the NCAA Tournament, when he called the Spartans “Kalin Lucas and those other dudes”. At least they got the distinction of being called dudes.

 (Thanks, Larry Brown Sports)

Austin Carr Calls Chris Bosh A "RuPaul" Look-A-Like

30 Mar

Cleveland Cavs announcer Austin Carr went a little overboard when assessing Chris Bosh’s appearance. During tonight’s game against the Miami Heat Carr called Bosh a RuPaul lookalike.

Yes RuPaul the well known drag queen. He must think like a few of my friends at work who think Bosh may be ‘suspect’.

The Story That Won’t Die

13 Jul

I’m sure you’ve heard what everyone else has. You know, Jesse Jackson’s statement about Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert. In a nutshell, he said Gilbert’s reaction to LeBron James’ departure from the Cavaliers reflected a slavemaster mentality. Sorry Jesse, I don’t think it’s that deep. While I don’t agree with the way Gilbert reacted, I also don’t think of major league sports owners as “slavemasters”. Hell, James must be the most encumbered slave in the history of the United States. If making around $20 million is being enslaved, then put the shackles on me and sign me up. This adds another level of absurdity to this whole saga.

First, I don’t agree with the way James put his free agent status on display. It was ridculous. Lots of people watched,but it was ridiculous. I don’t agree with the way he left the Cavs in a lurch. If he knew he was going to leave, he could’ve told them sooner so they could proceed with a plan B. Now you know why Gilbert is so angry.

Which brings me to Gilbert. I hate to say it, but he acted like a bitch. I can understand he has to galvanize the fan base in Cleveland to sell tickets and make money. But with the fans already burning James’ jersey, he did nothing but add fuel to the fire and possibly put James’ life in danger anytime he sets foot in the State of Ohio. I do agree with Jackson in that regard. Gilbert knows he’s lost about half the value of his team and they’re about to return to the Cadavalier days and he knows it. He also knows he won’t win a championship before James in Miami,but he has to be a showman to get someone to buy tickets there.

Now this is something Jesse Jackson shouldn’t be involved in. It was front page and I guess he had to get involved and get in the spotlight in some kind of way. Comparing this to slavery is an insult to thosewho went through it and the descendants of those who went through involuntary servitude. Last time I checked playing in the NBA was the farthest thing from slavery, involuntary servitude, etc. Please,stay out of this one Jesse. Isn’t there some hostages that need to be freed somewhere?

This story just doesn’t want to die. All parties besides James, need to let go and move on.

Champagne Dreams Gone In The Wind

10 Jul

For the Cleveland Cavaliers organization and their fans their championship dreams are LeGone. Gone down to Miami, with the dozens of fans and thousands of others that have jumped on the bandwagon in South Beach. Right now is a desperate time for Cleveland and their fans. A group of people that have had the dagger in their heart over and over. The champagne dreams they had had with LeBron are now replaced with thirst and the taste of Steel Reserve.

From way back in 1954, when Willie Mays robbed Vic Wertz in the World Series, sports in Cleveland hasn’t been the same. Sure they still can hold on to the black and white footage of Jim Brown running over the Colts back in 1964, but that’s about all they have to hold on to. Let’s see, there was 1981 when Mike Davis picked off Brian Sipe on that cold day in Municipal Stadium. How about The Drive and The Fumble in consecutive years, the latter which the fans of Cleveland ran Earnest Byner out of town. Never mind he was the reason the Browns were in the position they were because of him. There also was another AFC title game loss to the Broncos. There was The Shot, which brought Craig Ehlo into kids’ bedrooms across America (posterized). Brad Daughtery’s bad back, Danny Ferry being a bust. Art Modell moving the Browns franchise out of Cleveland. The city to reap the benefits of a Super Bowl winner, Baltimore. There was 1994, when the Indians finally righted the ship only to have a  the rug pulled out from a possible World Series winning team due to a strike/lockout. There was World Series loss to Atlanta. The memory of Joe Table (Jose Mesa) not being able to close the deal against the Marlins in 97. Or was it 98? The playoff loss to the Steelers in which the Browns wasted a sizable lead. The ALCS where the Indians blew a 3-1 lead against the Red Sox.

Cleveland’s luck looked to change for the better when the Cavs drafted LeBron James. He led them to the brink of the playoffs, then went on to crash the big stage,dethroning the Detroit Pistons as kings of the East. He never made it back to the Finals,as the last two years proved to be disappointing, bowing out to the Orlando Magic and Boston Celtics in six games both years. Which leads us to this. Owner Dan Gilbert says that the “curse” will go down south with James. Sorry Dan, this ain’t the Bobby Layne Lions curse here. The champagne will be replaced with Steel Reserve and Cleveland fans will remain thirsty for another 50 plus years, because as I see it right now there is no hope with the Browns, Indians, or Cavaliers. Hey Clevelanders, at least you have the Buckeyes and old Jim Brown footage. How about this, you guys can come up here and pull for our perennial losers, the Detroit Lions. 

Gilbert Is Being Foolish

10 Jul

With the LeBron James “decision” brings the question, where is the loyalty in sports? Quick answer. Never has,never will be. Cleveland Cavaliers owner Dan Gilbert found this out the hard way. Now he’s acting like an angry ex wife whose husband has decided that he wants to move on because he knows things aren’t going to work out.

Thing is,Gilbert tried a dirtbag move when he tried to pry Tom Izzo out of Mchigan State. Nevermind the fact that Michigan is the place where Izzo was born and raised and he bleeds green and white. He fired a coach and general manager that got the Cavaliers to their only Finals appearance in franchise history. There’s no loyalty there. So,of course when James skips town, he questions his loyalty to the franchise, city of Cleveland, and the state of Ohio. Furthermore, selling James’ Fathead for $17.41. The year 1741 is Benedict Arnold’s birth year.

I can understand his frustration. He just doesn’t have to act like a child that didn’t get his way. Cavalier fans were already running around burning James jerseys and the way it was going it could’ve been a near riot.Then Gilbert writes his open letter to te fans to further stir up the hornets nest. I do see where he’s coming from. Circling the wagons, rallying the fans, to keep some interest in his team. Especially since its value is losing millions as we speak. With the open letter, he might have saved a little value. But we all know that the Cavs are gonna be worth a 77 Pinto and a bag of hockey pucks when its all said and done. He could’ve done this differently. I don’t disagree with what he did, just how he did it. He did this clumsily and it could cost him with high profile players in the future.

Gilbert is a businessman, a pretty good one from what I understand. I’m sure he’s had to let some people go in this current economic climate. He should know this is a cutthroat world and sports isn’t any different. He should go ask Mike Brown and Danny Ferry about that.