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Chris Johnson says he’s the best back in the NFL

5 Jun

Chris Johnson had an off year last year and he’s aiming to let people know that it was a fluke. After dealing with a holdout and nagging injuries Johnson averaged a meager 4.0 yards per carry. He now feels as if he’s being dismissed by media and fans. But Johnson isn’t lacking for confidence. He still feels he’s the best back in the league.

“I feel I am still the best back in the league, and I have no problem saying that. None of the active backs have done anything that I have done in the first four years, even though I had a bad year last year. So I still feel like I am the best back in the league.”

The NFL Network’s top 100 list had a lot to do with what Johnson is saying after being ranked behind players like Darren Sproles, Marshawn Lynch, Willis McGahee, and Vonta Leach.

“I know it is one of those ‘What have you done for me lately?’ situations,” Johnson said. “People are not going to look at me as the No. 1 running back in the league. There are people out there who aren’t going to give me the respect I deserve. But at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks.

 “There’s a lot of backs now who probably didn’t do anything the year before and then they rush for 1,500 yards and they are the top back,” Johnson said. “It’s crazy, really.”

There are players like Ray Rice and Arian Foster that might have something to say about Johnson laying claim to the top spot.

Johnson does have the stats to back up his claim including a 2,000 yard season. I feel he’s still top five but is in a dogfight for top back status. Johnson says he wants to put together another 2,000 yard season to separate himself from the pack.    

“I want to go for another 2,000 yards,” Johnson said. “I want to be the first back to go for 2,000 yards twice, and I think it can be done. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks. I think it can be done.”