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Ventura and Ryan on speaking terms

7 Apr

It’s been nearly twenty years since the infamous Nolan Ryan/Robin Ventura brawl, which Ryan got the best of Ventura and has been a running joke since then. A then 46 year old Ryan took the young Ventura to the woodshed. Numerous videos have been shown and Ventura has never been able to live it down.

The two have never crossed paths until today. Ryan is the CEO of the Texas Rangers and Ventura is the manager for the Chicago White Sox. It was the opener for both teams in Arlington today and they finally had a chance to speak. 

Ryan went over to the White Sox clubhouse and wished Ventura good luck. There was never any ill will between the two over the fight.

“He was a very good player and very successful player,” Ryan said Thursday. “It was just a reaction or response to the moment. He and I had no personal interaction prior to that night. There was nothing that precipitated it from something previously.”

The video of the fight is a staple at Rangers games but Ventura doesn’t seem to mind, although it sounds a little bitter.

“It’s not like I haven’t seen it,” Ventura said Thursday. “It’s up to them. They can play it if they want. It’s not going to change any decision I make or anything else I do.”

I’m sure Ventura doesn’t like having to see himself get pummeled by what was deemed an old man.

Mitch Mustain signs with the White Sox

11 Feb

Former USC and Arkansas quarterback, Mitch Mustain, was once a five star high school prospect. Mustain was highly thought of and was handed the reins to the Arkansas kingdom for a eight games. His removal from the starting job there led to him transferring to USC.

Fast forward to 2012 and Mustain is trying out a different avenue in the world of professional sports. He’s going back to baseball. After the college stints at USC and Arkansas, and a brief foray in the CFL with the Hamilton Tiger-Cats and the Georgia Force in the Arena Football League, the next chapter in Mustain’s life will be him trying to latch on with the Chicago White Sox.

Mustain signed a minor league deal with the White Sox as a pitcher. The last time he pitched was in high school back in 2004. Good thing Mustain had a connection in the White Sox organization. A friend who plays in the White Sox system contacted a scout to watch Mustain’s throwing session at the University of Arkansas.

“I didn’t think it was going to happen,” he said.

“He hit me up on a Friday and said the scout could be here the next Friday,” Mustain said. “So I went out on Tuesday and played long toss to stretch out my arm.”

“I was hitting my spots and my curve ball was on,” he said. “I’m hoping to eventually get to 94 or 95 [miles per hour],”. I’m excited to see where it goes.”

Not many have been able to make the transition from one sport to the other with such a long layoff. I’m pretty sure Mustain will be beating the bushes for a while he fine tunes his arm and gets his location down. There will be plenty that will want to get their licks in on him while he’s still trying to get his feet under him in a different sport.


Bobby Valentine Is Now In Oney Guillen’s Crosshairs

6 Aug

Some people need to just shut up. Oney Guillen might just be one of those people. After attacking Chicago White sox GM Kenny Willimas earlier this season, Guillen now has his sights set on ESPN’s Bobby Valentine. If you must know this little feud started on Twitter after Valentine had some unkind things to say about the White Sox.

Evryone knows that Ozzie Guillen is managing the Sox, so Oney being the family loyalist that he is decided to take it upon himself to defend the family name.

Ok so Valentine has never won a World Series like the old man has. But has won quite a few games and a National League pennant. In addition he won big over in Japan, so that has to count for something. All he did was say something that a lot of White Sox fans are probably saying to themselves or on talk radio. That question should be thrown back to oney since all he’s done is ride his father’s coattails to try and make a name for himself.    

White Sox’s Beckham Apologizes For Calling Chris Getz Gay

9 Jul

Here we go again. Another athlete says something politically incorrect and is making an apology for it. This time it’s the Chicago White Sox second baseman Gordon Beckham. This comes after the Philadelphia Eagles’ DeSean Jackson gave a caller on a radio show a homophobic blast.

Beckham is good friends with former teammate and Kansas City Royals second baseman Chris Getz. During a game between the White Sox and Royals, Beckham scrawled a message in the dirt saying “Getz Is Gay!” GB. It wasn’t picked up by cameras, but it was picked up by some of the fans. All in all it was harmless fun, but in the big scheme of things it’s not funny. That point got across to Beckham and he knows that he should’ve known better.

“Wow,’’ said Beckham again, looking as if he had seen a thousand ghosts and Bob Gibson on the mound. “Chris is one of my best friends. It was a joke. I didn’t know anybody could see. I didn’t mean anything, you know?’’

“I just want you to know that that’s not me,’’ he said. “I don’t use slurs. I have a lot of gay friends. I didn’t mean it as anything ­— you know, like gay as in . . . happy! Or, you know, an alliteration — ‘Getz is gay.’ ’’

“It’s the first time I’ve ever done anything like that with Chris,’’ he said. “And I didn’t even see his reaction. I asked him afterward if he was going to write anything back, and he said no. It was wrong. It was stupid. If I offended anyone, I apologize. I wish I could take it back, but I can’t.’’

Beckham seems pretty distraught about the incident and probably wishes he could turn back the clock. The worse thing in his apology was saying he has gay friends. Usually that means he doesn’t care for gays. Kind of like when someone says something racist and then says I have lots of (insert race here) friends. I do buy his apology and believes he is truly sorry for it. Next time send him a note like in elementary school.

Angry Ozzie

14 Apr

The Major League Baseball season is barely two weeks old and Chicago White Sox manager Ozzie Guillen is already fired up. Frankly I would be too if my closer blew four saves in as many chances. 

The wanna-be closer Matt Thorton blew another save against the Oakland A’s today which sent Guillen over the deep end. Really it doesn’t take much, but he’s had enough already.

“I might call Bobby Thigpen to help us,” Guillen said.

That’s vintage Guillen. Blunt and comical at the same time. Of course it gets better.

“When you have a bad bullpen, that’s what happens. That’s what happens,” Guillen said.

“I don’t have any closer. I don’t,” Guillen said. “You are just scratching your head and second-guess yourself what you are doing wrong, bringing people to the mound with three-run lead … and we can’t hold the lead. That’s not a good sign. Have we got the people out there with the arms? Yes.”

“Three-run lead and he said he can go. That’s the reason we put him there,” Guillen said.

Sounds like he’s losing confidence in the bully already. If that’s the case the White Sox will have to slug their way to big leads and hope that it holds up.

Jenks And The White Sox Are Like A Bad Divorce

30 Dec

Bobby Jenks wasn’t bitter when he left the Chicago White Sox, but he was critical of Manager Ozzie Guillen about the way he used and handled him the past few years. Many might see what jenks had to say about Guillen as sour grapes. Jenks is now a member of the Boston Red Sox and all was peaceful until yesterday when Jenks expressed his displeasure with Guillen.

We all know Ozzie isn’t one to back down in a war of words. And I expect to hear from him going ballistic on Jenks.No one figured Ozzie’s son Oney to get in on the act first. Oney took to Tiwitter, everyone’s weapon of choice to put Jenks on blast. Full blast. Here’s what Oney had to say about Jenks.

“Hahah memo to Bobby Jenks. Get a clue. You drink too much and you have had marital problems. Huge ones, and the Sox stood behind you. They did not air out your dirty laundry, u came to spring not drinking and then you sucked and started drinking again. Be a man.

“Be a man and tell the manager or the coaching staff how you feel, or the organization when you were with the Sox, not when you leave.

“You cried in the manager’s office because you had problems, now you go and talk bad about the Sox after they protected you for seven years. Ungrateful.

“If it wasnt for you Freddy Garcia would have like 17 wins and the Sox would have beat the Twins. You self-diagnosed yourself because you didnt want to pitch. Unreal, I hope the Sox let this guy fucking have it.

“Oh, and yes I remember clearly you blowing a huge game in 2009 and you laughing your bearded ass off while everyone busted their tail. I thought you were a man, not some punk who runs away and talks bullshit. You coward. Say it to their face when you were with them.

“Don’t make me air out more than I have to say. You’re sorry. Don’t disrespect the White Sox ever.

“Now you know what a piece of shit person you rooted for, Chicago. The ones that leave and talk bad about your team. And you say the manager didnt trust you? He kept putting youur fat ass out there and you kept blowing it, he never took you away from that role.

Go read it. It’s a Scott Merkin piece, it’s a dandy. I hope people say what they really feel instead of me. Although it wouldnt surprise me if the Sox take the high road, and be classy instead of destroying this yellow-bearded, dipping idiot.

“And to think you were actually a cool guy and your word meant something. Too bad you don’t hit in the AL so they could drill your ass.”

One little story. Remember when you couldn’t handle your drinking, and you hit a poor Arizona clubby in the face? I do. And later you covered it with ‘I’m sorry.’ That’s your answer to everything. How can you disrespect your former team like that?

Think about it. This can’t be made up and this isn’t something Ozzie told him. Oney’s a former WhiteSox employee so you know he saw some things in the clubhouse that a lot of us aren’t privy to.

Oney’s just like his old man. All fire and brimstone. Of course the White Sox organization has distanced themselves from this whole mess. This is just the beginning, because you know Ozzie will have something to say. Only if Oney hasn’t said it for him already.