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Quote Of The Week: Charles Barkley

11 May

Once again Charles Barkley takes the quote of the week award. Honestly he could probably take it for teh year.

Here’s Sir Charles on Kobe Bryant and the aging process from 

“Well he’s older. He’s older now. I’ve said the last year that he’s slowed down. You know, Tim Duncan has slowed down. I mean, listen, Kobe Bryant has been in the league a long time. He’s on my list…I made up a list, and he’s the sixth greatest basketball player ever in my opinion. He’s been a great, great player. But I tell you, the ain’t but two things in life that are undefeated — Father Time and those Las Vegas casinos.”

Charles Barkley Is The Number One Auburn Legend

27 Feb

Here’s Charles Barkley in a radio interview with KJOX in Birmingham, Alabama talking about his All-Star weekend and more importantly his place in the Auburn athletic pecking order. And he wasn’t shy about letting Cam Newton know where he stood.

Here’s what he said to Cam Newton about his place at Auburn.

“You know, I finally got a chance to meet him. Since I keep getting him tickets to all these events, I joked with him, ‘I keep hearing I’m getting you tickets to all these events.’ I finally got a chance to meet him. He came over, we were actually staying at the same hotel and he came over and said hello to me. And I just told him how proud I am of him and the Auburn team, and what a great season they had. … Then I said I love you, I’m proud of you, but you can’t ever go any higher than No. 3 on the list behind me and Bo [Jackson]. No matter what you accomplished, I said if you had stayed another year and did what you did this year I might have moved you up. But right now, I’m No. 1, Bo [is] No. 2, and you’re No. 3. And I felt bad that I had to move Frank Thomas down to No. 4.”

We get what your saying Charles your the man at Auburn and always will be.


Quote Of The Week: Charles Barkley

20 Feb

Leave it to Charles Barkley to put his spin on the Auburn-Alabama rivalry. Here’s Charles’ thoughts on Alabama fans accusing Auburn of cheating. Whatever the case it’s like the pot calling the kettle black.

“Alabama accusing Auburn of cheating is like Snooki telling Halle Berry she’s ugly,” said Barkley on Pardon The Interruption. 

The Chuckster doesn’t mince words when it comes to his school’s biggest rival.

Barkley’s Not With The Criticism Of Cutler

26 Jan

With everyone criticizing the exit of Jay Cutler after the NFC Championship game, Charles Barkley was not going to hop on that wagon. Barkley was highly critical of players that voiced their displeasure with Cutler on Twitter.

Barley was on the Waddle & Silvy show on ESPN 1000 and had this to say about all the criticism directed at Cutler.

“I was mad at the players, to be honest with you,” Barkley said Tuesday on “The Waddle & Silvy Show” on ESPN 1000. “I think it was inappropriate and wrong to question a guy’s heart. Now reporters, they’re going to do what they want to. They’re entitled to their opinion. But as players, I don’t think it’s appropriate to question another guy’s heart.”

“That crosses the line, because you don’t know. If you go back and start looking at all the stuff that’s been said, and clearly one of the more vocal critics was Maurice Jones-Drew, and then you find out he missed the last two games with a bad knee. And he was really the first guy who crucified Jay. You have to be careful, because in the two most important games of the year, he sat out with a bad knee. And then it really makes him look like an idiot now. I just think it’s inappropriate,” Barkley said. “It’s fair to criticize guys when they don’t play well, but it’s 100 percent unfair to criticize guys … if a guy says he’s hurt, you have to respect that.”

The only problem Barkley had with Cutler is that he wasn’t giving pointers to third stringer Caleb Hanie.

“I was very disappointed that he wasn’t standing beside that young kid,” Barkley said. “I was very disappointed he wasn’t there trying to work with that young kid. There were a couple of shots of them on the sideline, with [Hanie] looking at pictures, and [Cutler] was just disengaged. That’s a fair criticism.”

That’s the same thing I was critical of Cutler for. He displayed bad body language and looked uninterested in the game. I wouldn’t go too far in questioning his heart or the MCL injury, even though there was a report that said Cutler took the stairs at Soldier Field after the game. This is going to be a story that won’t go away anytime soon. That’s unfortunate for Cutler.  


Quote Of The Week: Charles Barkley

14 Nov

Charles Barkley to an Alabama radio station about the Cam Newton situation.

“First of all -this is a joke now- first of all I don’t know what happened about that, but if that guy only asked for $200,000 for Cam Newton, they should fire him anyway.”

Even when he’s chipping in about his alma mater, the Chuckster is always good for a laugh.