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Former MLB player Chad Curtis under investigation for inappropriately touching students

6 May

Former major leaguer Chad Curtis has been suspended from his position at a Michigan high school amid allegations that he inappropriately touched students at Lakewood Schools.

Curtis played in the majors for 10 years including a stop with the Detroit Tigers. Curtis, 43, had been a volunteer worker in the high school’s weight room, but also is a substitute teacher in the district.

Curtis previously served as athletic director for Northpointe Christian Schools from 2007-2009. Curtis was dismissed in 2009 for what he says was differences with the administration.

 Curtis, who was scheduled to become the head football coach at Lakewood this fall, is being investigated for possible inappropriate touching involving four students. He has been suspended as a volunteer as the investigation continues, school officials said.

The case is under investigation and he hasn’t been charged with a crime.