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Prince Fielder’s mom has a book in the works

22 Mar

The tension in the Fielder family might get a little worse by the end of spring. Father and son already don’t get along and now mother, Stacey August, is getting in the act. She has a book in the works and it could be out by next month.

The book will be title “Stealing Home On A Fielder’s Choice” and is due to be available online and in stores this spring, maybe by next month.

August said the nine-chapter, 300-page, self-published book subtitled “A Revelation of a Ravished Rose,” details the triumphs and adversity the Fielder family experienced throughout Cecil’s professional baseball career and Prince’s childhood before his rise to big league stardom.

August says the book won’t be focused on the Prince-Cecil relationship although it will talk about how it changed over the years.

“I hope it gives other families a sense of hope that, at the end of the day, love may not conquer all, but it does cover all,” August said. “It’s a story of grace and mercy.”

“It’s a spiritual memoir that really talks about the core issues,” she said. “It goes a little deeper for the underlying issues. It will address the situation that has happened to the two of them.”

August says that both Cecil and Prince know about the book and don’t have any problems with it. We’ll have to see how long either of them will hold out on saying they don’t like the book.

The feuding Fielders

4 Feb

Cecil Fielder had a lot to say when his baseball prodigy son, Prince, signed his 9 year, $214 million dollar mega-contract with the Detroit Tigers. Cecil went as far to say that the relationship has “improved” and that “time heals all wounds”.

Prince on the other hand wouldn’t answer questions about him and his father at his introductory press conference, instead focusing on him being a Tiger.

The common thread between the two is that both will have played for the Tigers and they’re both heavyweight home run hitters. Beyond that there is nothing between the two.

In an interview in the Detroit Free Press, Cecil spoke about the still strained relationship and about Prince as a man before being inducted into the Ted Williams Hall of Fame.

“But I do not know if it’s improving,” Fielder said tonight, before being inducted into the Ted Williams Hitters Hall of Fame with former New York Yankees teammate Tino Martinez. “I worry how he’s grown as a man.”

The father expressed “disappointment” with his son over the estranged relationship he said his son had with “the whole family.” The father said his son did not communicate with anybody on either side of his extended family.
Cecil Fielder, who said his son had him “thrown out” of a family room at Turner Field in Atlanta a couple of years ago, said he had no plans to attend any Tigers game, despite his affection for owner Mike Ilitch.
“I’m not going nowhere around it,” Fielder said. “Mr. Ilitch is my man, but there’s been some awful (stuff). I don’t want to get in the position where he throws me out of the damn stadium. I’ll have a chance to see him on TV.”
“He can’t hide behind (agent) Scott Boras with ‘no comment’ to all the questions,” Fielder said. “I say he has to grow up, and sooner or later, he will grow up. You don’t want to stay stuck in whatever cocoon you are in, stay stuck in your cocoon.”

A fractured relationship. There’s a shocker. And with the gas can Cecil just broke out, it’s not going to improve any time in the near future. That might’ve been an opinion he wanted to keep to himself and let the writers say that.

As far as Prince goes, at some point he has to extend an olive branch to his father. Yes, he did some things that might take a long time to get over, but as a man that is something you get over. I’m not saying do it right away, but sometime in the future.

I know this from personal this from personal experience and you don’t want to wait until a loved one is on their deathbed to make peace with them.

In the meantime, Cecil should just stay mum on the subject of his son.