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Sabathia is paying off big time

21 Oct

CC Sabathia is finally putting together some big time performances in the postseason.After past failures in the playoffs with the Indians and Brewers, he has shown why the Yankees paid him big money in the offseason.After mowing down the Angels for eight innings in the ALCS in a 10-1 over the Angels, the Yankees are one win away from their first World Series appearance since 2003.Buoyed by an offense that battered starter Scott Kazmir and the other pitchers the Angels put out there in game 4, the Yankees seized the momentum that seemed to swing the Angels’ way after a thrilling 5-4 win in game 3.This was Sabathia’s second win in the ALCS, which was a big money performance and is showing why there was a lot of fuss why the Yankees paid him handsomely in the free agent period.Clearly the best move the Yankees made in the offseason.