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Keenum Gets A Sixth Year

15 Jan

Case Keenum was granted a sixth year of eligibilty in a surprise move by the NCAA. Keenum also was injured in his freshman year (2006) because of a separated shoulder that occured late in his high school season. The NCAA will grant a sixth year if a player has missed two seasons because of injury or circumstances beyond his control. Consider Keenum lucky since he did play in the first two games of the year. He tore his ACL when he attempted to tackle a UCLA player following an interception on Sept. 18.

Personally, I’m glad to see him come back and try to break the NCAA passing yardage and touchdown records. He needs 3,487yards to pass the immortal Timmy Chang and 28 toucdowns to pass Graham Harrell, formerly of Texas Tech. Numbers that are well within reach with the numbers he’s put up in past seasons.

“Honestly, I assumed that I wasn’t going to get it and I just hoped for the best. I kind of planned for not getting it, so I wouldn’t get my hopes too high. But I’m just excited and really thankful.

I feel like this is my life here in Houston and being a Cougar,” Keenum said. “To be able to give that back and kind of get a shot at finishing some unfinished business. The goals I set out to do, I wanted to finish. To be able to do that, it’s incredible”.

I’ll go out on a limb and say that Houston will be a darkhorse pick to be a BCS buster next year. It probably won’t happen, but it will be fun to see Keenum sling the ball all over the field again. 

Case Keenum for Heisman

22 Nov

I know its highly unlikely to happen,but I want Case Keenum to win the Heisman Trophy.Call me crazy,but he has been the most consistent player all season.I know he hasn’t played against the highest level of competition but the two games he had against so called superior teams (Oklahoma State and Texas Tech) he put up some fantastic numbers,both of them wins.Others will make a case for Florida’s Tim Tebow or Alabama’s Mark Ingram.Both deserve to be in New York but in my opinion neither has really stood out.Another player getting Heisman buzz is Clemson’s C.J. Spiller.Just because Keenum plays in Conference USA doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be considered a serious Heisman Candidate.Others will point out the offensive “system” he plays in.Tebow plays in a system and you don’t hear anyone criticizing him.Keenum’s numbers compare well to any quarterback in the nation.If I had a vote it would go to Case Keenum.