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Brian Wilson Has A New Party Buddy

22 Feb

Brian Wilson of the San Francisco Giants was invited to a private screening of “Major League” by none other than Mr. Wild Thing himself, Charlie Sheen this past weekend. Wilson was at Sheen’s house along with former major leaguers Kenny Lofton, Lenny Dykstra, Todd Zeile, and Eddie Murray. It seems Wilson has found some new party buddies. Pete Rose reportedly was invited but didn’t attend.

Wilson was flown to Arizona by Sheen to Los Angeles for the party. Wilson and the others had the privilige to try on Babe Ruth’s 1927 World Series ring which he purchased at an auction some time ago.

Sheen, who is a big baseball fan said that he is “married…to baseball”. He also called his little party the “ultimate VIP baseball excursion”.

I’m sure there are many that have a differing opinion but consider the source.