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Hoke says there’s no "Gentleman’s Agreement" in the Big Ten

4 Feb

The Urban Meyer effect is up and running in the Big Ten and a couple of coaches aren’t happy about it.

This past recruiting season the new Ohio State football boss Meyer managed to flip his fair share share of recruits including Mark Dantonio’s top recruit in Se’Von Pittman. The same can be said for Bret Bielema at Wisconsin who lost prized offensive lineman Kyle Dodson on recruiting day to Ohio State.

“(Ohio State has) a new coach, and it’s different,” Dantonio told the Detroit News. “I would say it’s pretty unethical, in the end.”

Bielema echoed those sentiments after losing prized offensive lineman Kyle Dodson to Ohio State on signing day.

“There are a few things that happened early on that I made people aware of that I didn’t want to see in this league, that I had seen take place in other leagues,” Bielema said on Wednesday. “Other recruiting tactics, other recruiting practices that are illegal.

“I was very up front and was very pointed to the fact, actually reached out to Coach Meyer and shared my thoughts and concerns with him. The situation got rectified.”

According to, Bielema told Sporting News that Badgers athletic director Barry Alvarez would be talking to Big Ten commissioner Jim Delaney today in Chicago about Meyer’s tactics.

Now you may be wondering why Bielema and Dantonio are so upset in a conference that’s extremely competitive and takes great pride in their rivalries?

It all boils down to a so-called “gentleman’s agreement” amongst the Big Ten coaches.

Bielema further called Meyer’s recruiting tactics “illegal” in light of the “gentleman’s agreement” which says that no coach in the Big Ten will actively go after a recruit that is already verbally committed to another Big Ten school.

Not all Big Ten coaches though agree on this “gentlemen’s agreement” and on those coaches is Michigan’s Brady Hoke…

“As far as I’ve known, it’s always been fair game until they sign,” said Hoke, who’s been in the league one year as a head coach and seven as an assistant. “I don’t have as much a problem with that and, hopefully, we don’t get too many of those that go away from you.
“But, I don’t think there needs to be an agreement, to be honest with you. Kids are going to be kids. They’re 18 years old, 17 years old. As long as everything has been handled in an ethical manner and professional manner, and by the rules, I don’t have a problem with it.”

Now Hoke hasn’t experienced the same draw backs that Dantonio and Bielema have experienced with recruits flipping to Ohio State. In fact Hoke was able to flip five-star offensive lineman Kyle Kalis from Ohio State prior to Meyer being announced as the new head coach.

Again though in a competitive conference with top notch coaches it should be expected that programs are going to do everything they possibly can to make their teams better. This includes trying to flip rival schools recruits to their own.

In the end a verbal commitment means nothing. Hoke isn’t about making excuses about anything. He knows the game and isn’t going to whine about anything.

Now about those 16 scholarships OSU had open and oversigning at 25 commitments is another story.

Stonum To Be Redshirted For 2011

8 Aug

Michigan wide receiver Darryl Stonum was suspended indefinitely in early May after receiving his second DUI offense. Now Stonum will be redshirted for the 2011 season. This came from head coach Brady Hoke.

Even though Stonum would’ve been in a key contributor for a revamped offense this year, Hoke thought it would be best for Stonum to get his life in order. Now I know all the Michigan State supporters will come out and denounce the decision, but it is what it is. I hear all the howling from East Lansing right now.

Sophomore punter Will Hagerup has been suspended the first four games of the season for undisclosed reasons, and junior receiver Terrence Robinson will miss the season opener Sept. 3 for violating team rules.

This is more than a football decision. Louisville’s Charlie Strong made the same decision regarding one of his own players. This is the first major decision that Hoke has made since he’s set foot in Ann Arbor.

“While it would be great to have Darryl on the field this season, we feel it is in his best interest and the best interest of our program for him to redshirt,” Hoke said in a prepared statement. “Darryl will continue to be an important part of our team and family. He has done everything we have asked him to do, but our number one priority is to help Darryl grow as a person.”

“In order to build a championship-caliber culture, you have to be accountable to each other on and off the field,” Hoke said. “There are expectations at the University of Michigan you must live up to.”

Now we’ll see if the other Wolverines will fall in line after Hoke has finally laid down the law.

Brady Hoke Takes The High Road

15 Jan

Newly minted Michigan head coach Brady Hoke refuses to engage in a war of words with former NFL lineman and San Diego State alum Kyle Turley. A good thing since Turley has went on to talking about other thins such as Dan Marino going Cheech and Chong before games.

Anyway it’s a good thing Hoke refuses to be baited into something juvenile. He knows what the task at hand is an that’s to rejuvenate and rebuild the Michigan football program. Hoke says he has bigger fish to fry.

Y’know what, Kyle and I really started to build a pretty good relationship,” he said, “and I understand his reactions and his sentiments, but I’ll reach out to him. I have bigger fish to fry with what we’re trying to get set up here, but I’ll reach out to Kyle. He’s a proud San Diego State alum, who’s a tremendous football player, and all-around, he’s a good person.”

Turley is also a whack job that should keep his mouth shut.


Kyle Turley Is A Bitter Man

14 Jan
Turley’s finest moment

Former NFL and San Diego State offensive lineman Kyle Turley is pretty bitter about Brady Hoke leaving sunny California to take the Michigan job. Turley told radio station 1090 AM in San Diego that he sent Hoke a scathing text message.

Come on Kyle, be happy for the man. I understand this was the first time the Aztecs had been decent in years, but this was Hoke’s dream job. I’m sure if someone offered you your dream job you’d go in a heartbeat. I know I would and I’ve been at mine for 12 years.

“I was very upset and very disappointed,” Turley said. “All season long it was ‘Aztec this, Aztec that.’ He’s trying to convince me (during the season) to come down there to San Diego State. I’m texting him all the time, ‘Great job and great win.’ For this to happen, it’s just very disappointing.

“I texted the guy, this is exactly what I said: ‘I understand what you’ve got to do for you and yours but just the same … I hope you lose every damn game. That was a b.s. move, brother, and you know it.'”

A b.s. move? I don’t think so. It happens all the time in sports so you should understand, especially being a former player and all. As far as losing every game, it’s not like he’s taking over Duke or UTEP. Eventually he’ll win some games. He shouldn’t be all irate about the situation. Hoke is only looking out for number one. I’m sure if someone asked him to leave his current job to coach lineman for the Dallas Cowboys he would leave in a hot second.

Turley being a hothead, I would expect something like this out of him.

Brandon Says Forcier No Longer With The Program

12 Jan

Since the end of the Ohio State game there was a lot of news about the Michigan football team. Will Rich Rodriguez be able to survive? Is Jim Harbaugh coming home? Tate Forcier not being smart enough in the classroom. Mike Martin maybe going pro.

All the questions have been answered. And the Forcier issue, Athletic Director David Brandon gave a clear statement of Tate’s status within the Michigan program. Forcier is no longer with the program. This was after Brady Hoke was named as Michigan’s new head coach.

In a way I knew Forcier wouldn’t last at Michigan. If you can recall, late in his freshman season he appeared to be crying after being pulled for Denard Robinson. After a fine start to his career, he regressed and his attitude screamed of a sense entitlement. Then there was the quarterback derby at the beginning of the year and the everlasting question whether Forcier would transfer or not. I’ll give him credit, he did stick around and was pretty valuble as a backup. Then came the Gator Bowl. Forcier was academically ineligible and admitted that he wasn’t the greatest student in the classroom boasting he had more street smarts than classroom smarts. That was dumb Tate. Now he has to look for a school that’ll take him in. His dismissal, transfer, or mutual parting of the ways looked to be in the cards when Rodriguez went with Robinson as his starter.

As of now the Wolverines will go into next season with Robinson and Devin Gardner as the quarterbacks of the Hoke era.   

A Letter To All Michigan Fans

5 Jan

As you all know Michigan has fired head football coach Rich Rodriguez. In a way I feel sorry for the guy because, the people at Michigan and the fans did not exhibit enough patience with him. It wasn’t all you guys’ fault. A lot of problems he brought on himself, mainly wins and losses. Even before he set foot in Ann Arbor, you guys palced a blcak cloud over him that never left. I can understand he had a horrible 3 year run, but to you Michigan fans he was never good enough. Your complaints went beyond wins and losses.

I say you guys as in Michigan fans, who have a higher opinion of everyhting Michigan. That’s what landed you Rodriguez in the first place. Lloyd Carr wasn’t good enough. You wanted boring Lloyd out and he walked away. Then you couldn’t get the “Michigan Man” when LSU punked Les Miles into staying in Baton Rouge. You want a “Michigan Man” so bad that it limits the pool of coaches you can go after. But then say we want a big name coach. Rodriguez was a big name coach. I understand he was hired amid a shroud of secrecy and left West Virginia unceremoniously. Remember, he had the Alabama job for about two days before he reconsidered. You guys wanted a fancy spread offense, the flavor of the month, and now you denounce it saying you need to get back to Michigan football. Didn’t Bo Schembecler run the option. Yes he did. Sometimes do some history checking before speaking. True the defense was tremendously lacking, but the offense was ok. But the fact Rodriguez wasn’t a “Michigan Man” was what made you dislike him.
Speaking of the defense, I’ve said it before, it was not Greg Robinson’s fault. True he had the blood on his hands only because he was the defensive coordinator. The 3-3-5 scheme he was hired to run was not his scheme. But you guys only wanted him gone because he was the face of the defense. Robinson didn’t bring that scheme to town with him. He’s also a respected coordinator. He’s won a Super Bowl and had a good run at Texas before bombing as a head coach at Syracuse. But hey, to you guys Robinson was the problem with the defense. That was a scheme Rodriguez brought in from West Virginia and swore by.

Now you guys want to hold Athletic Director David Brandon’s feet to the fire. The bagman in the whole deal was former Athletic Director Bill Martin. He’s the one who hired him and botched the coaching search in the first place. History check again. If Schembecler never mouthed the words “A Michigan man will coach Michigan” regarding the basketball program on the eve of the 1989 NCAA BASKETBALL tournament, Michigan’s football program would never be in this position. No one wants to give a non “Michigan Man” a chance, but then say we want a big name coach. Maybe coaches outside of the Michigan family know something we don’t. Or realize they could end up like Rodriguez, since they’re not from the Michigan family. Get over it. Remember, Schembechler wasn’t a “Michigan Man”.

The pool of coaches are limited now. If you want a “Michigan Man” the best you can do is Jim Harbaugh. And that’s no guarantee. In fact I doubt he comes back to Ann Arbor. Then there’s Brady Hoke. If he gets hired I’ll feel sorry for him too. You know why? Because that’s not good enough for you guys. He lacks pizazz, but has done a credible job at Ball State and San Diego State. Also he’s a Michigan man. He may not be ready for those bright lights but as far as “Michigan Men” go that’s the best you’re gonna do.
I don’t believe Brandon will go down the Les Miles trail again. And Ron English isn’t getting the job. Remember, everyone jeered Auburn when they hired Gene Chizik and his 5-22 record from Iowa State. So if Hoke is the choice get off your high horse, respect the hire and rally around the coach. Get over the fact that you won’t get a high profile “Michigan Man” and just make sure they make a solid hire this time around. Besides the high profile coaches outside the Michigan family you might vilify them the same way you did Rodriguez.