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Bobby Valentine has some unflattering things to say about the Red Sox

30 Mar

When the Boston Red Sox hired Bobby Valentine to be their manager they envisioned that he would lead them back to World Series glory and overtake the New York Yankees. There would be no epic collapses like last year. Good times would be back in Beantown.

The way Valentine talks though is as if the Red Sox are headed for a last place finish.

“I have great expectations with this group,” said Valentine Thursday. “(We’re) not the ‘best team ever assembled’ this year. I don’t know if that’s good or bad. I know that, over history, that’s been good for some and bad some for some.

“It’s just what it is.” 

I can’t translate this one. But here’s what I take out of that statement. I have expectations just like the fans. I want to make the playoffs, but don’t be surprised if we don’t.

Valentine has set up a cushion for himself in case of failure.Valentine should just shut up and manage.

Bobby Valentine Is Now In Oney Guillen’s Crosshairs

6 Aug

Some people need to just shut up. Oney Guillen might just be one of those people. After attacking Chicago White sox GM Kenny Willimas earlier this season, Guillen now has his sights set on ESPN’s Bobby Valentine. If you must know this little feud started on Twitter after Valentine had some unkind things to say about the White Sox.

Evryone knows that Ozzie Guillen is managing the Sox, so Oney being the family loyalist that he is decided to take it upon himself to defend the family name.

Ok so Valentine has never won a World Series like the old man has. But has won quite a few games and a National League pennant. In addition he won big over in Japan, so that has to count for something. All he did was say something that a lot of White Sox fans are probably saying to themselves or on talk radio. That question should be thrown back to oney since all he’s done is ride his father’s coattails to try and make a name for himself.