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Beano Cook Guarantees Urban Meyer Will Coach Ohio State In 2012

23 Apr

With the toruble Jim Tressel is having at Ohio State, there are many predicting his demise. I don’t think he’ll be there much longer but only time will reveal.

One man thinks this year will be his swan song and that there is only one man for the job.

Beano Cook guarantees Urban Meyer will be the coach at Ohio State in 2012.  Here we go again. I hate to say this but Cook comes off as a senile old man.

“I think Ohio State has major problems and I think Jim Tressel has major problems. I’ve said on my Podcast. . . (that) Urban Meyer will be the coach at Ohio State in 2012. That was my prediction and I stick by that prediction. Urban Meyer will be ready to coach somewhere. He said when he was coaching Florida that there were only three schools he would ever coach at – Michigan, Ohio State and Notre Dame. I think Brian Kelly is going to do the job at Notre Dame and Michigan just hired a new coach, and I think this will be Jim Tressel’s last year. I’m not saying it should be. . . . This is a mess, it isn’t over yet and I think this is his last year coaching at Ohio State.”

“I just think that now that it’s come out that he talked about this problem with an alumnus from Jeannette, Pa., (Terrelle) Pryor’s hometown about selling these jerseys and other things and he did not tell the president or athletic director. I think Ohio State will get hit by the NCAA because they were misled. The worst thing you can do with the NCAA is not tell them the truth right away and that’s what happened. I think Ohio State is going to get hit.

“I just think it’s a mess. … I just think he will resign. That’s my opinion. That’s all. It’s just a prediction and that’s what we do in this business. Predict.”

Ok, more of a prediction than a guarantee, but remember this is the same guy that said Ron Powlus would win two Heisman’s and scores of national championships. So take this how you want. I’m not writing off Tressel, but it would take an act of Houdini like proportions to escape the mess he’s in right now.