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Trooper Taylor Gets A Presidential Chest Bump

10 Jun

Auburn’s Trooper Taylor had to be the most visible wide receivers coach of all time. Seriously, he got just as much face time as Cam Newton. I swear that he was the glory hound, not Newton.

Taylor got a little more face on Auburn’s visit to the White House to visit President Barack Obama. Him and the prez engaged in a little chest bump.

Hopefully this will be the last time I see him taking up any valuble camera time from one of the players.

Charles Barkley Is The Number One Auburn Legend

27 Feb

Here’s Charles Barkley in a radio interview with KJOX in Birmingham, Alabama talking about his All-Star weekend and more importantly his place in the Auburn athletic pecking order. And he wasn’t shy about letting Cam Newton know where he stood.

Here’s what he said to Cam Newton about his place at Auburn.

“You know, I finally got a chance to meet him. Since I keep getting him tickets to all these events, I joked with him, ‘I keep hearing I’m getting you tickets to all these events.’ I finally got a chance to meet him. He came over, we were actually staying at the same hotel and he came over and said hello to me. And I just told him how proud I am of him and the Auburn team, and what a great season they had. … Then I said I love you, I’m proud of you, but you can’t ever go any higher than No. 3 on the list behind me and Bo [Jackson]. No matter what you accomplished, I said if you had stayed another year and did what you did this year I might have moved you up. But right now, I’m No. 1, Bo [is] No. 2, and you’re No. 3. And I felt bad that I had to move Frank Thomas down to No. 4.”

We get what your saying Charles your the man at Auburn and always will be.


Newton Declares For NFL Draft

14 Jan

Days after leading the Auburn Tigers to the BCS championship over Oregon, Heisman winning quarterback Cam Newton has decided to take his talents to the NFL. This was a no brainer. Everyone knew Cam was out soon as the pay for play scandal broke involving his father. Winning the BCS title just set it in stone. With his star at its brightest right now and the NCAA still not done with him he really had no other choice except to leave.

Where he lands in the draft will depend on what happens at the combine.Newton can play the game, no doubt about that. But NFL personnel men will be looking at other things. Like his ability to read a defense, his throwing motion, and how he thinks the game. Also do they think of him as a Tim Tebow type or a Michael Vick type? Or is he a Vince Young clone, someone that seemingly has the tools but has yet to harness his ability. I would have to say he’s closer to Vince Young right now. Someone will take him in the first round. Where, I don’t know. For whoever drafts Newton, they better hope he’s not the next JaMarcus Russell.

As for Auburn, everyone’s just waiting for the other shoe to drop. On the bright side we wont get anymore Trooper Taylor face shots.

Oregon, Auburn Unveil Uniform Wrinkles

15 Dec

Oregon and Auburn will both have some fancy new duds to trot out for the BCS championship game.

Auburn will be going with new cleats designed by Underamour.

Oregon will be going with something a little more familiar, except for the socks.

As you can see, around the numbers is a brighter green. Just like those loud socks.

Uniforms won’t make a difference. just ask the Cincinnati Bearcats when they strolled out in the storm trooper outfits for last year’s Sugar Bowl against Florida.

I don’t think they’ve worn those again after the beatdown the Gators put on them.

Chizik Can Feel Complete Redemption If He Wins Title

12 Dec

Remember when Gene Chizik was named the head coach at Auburn? I do. The decision was ridiculed from coast to coast. The “experts” thought he was the wrong guy. Charles Barkley even chimed in saying they should’ve hired Turner Gill and said Gill wasn’t hired because he was black. They said he couldn’t and wouldn’t beat Nick Saban. Personally I thought it wasn’t a good choice based on his 5-19 record at Iowa State. Especially since things got worse in Ames after he arrived. 

Well, Chizik is close to having the last laugh. He’s headed to the BCS title game with the probable Heisman Trophy winner in tow. Everyone that said he wasn’t the right choice and that Saban would rule the state of Alabama are now eating crow. Chizik will feel complete redemption if he wins the national championship. The Tigers have surprised everyone, including me. I knew Cam Newton was a difference maker, but damn, this kind of difference maker. Who knew? I know what everyone is saying now. Cam Newton has “made” Gene Chizik. Even though Newton has led the Tigers on some memorable comebacks, it’s been a good marriage between the two. More specifically Newton and Chizik’s most important hire, offensive coordinator Gus Malzahn.

Of course for this story to have a happy ending they’ll have to get by Oregon. Not impossible, but considering everything they’ve been through and what they’ve done all year I wouldn’t doubt them now.

Quote Of The Week: Charles Barkley

14 Nov

Charles Barkley to an Alabama radio station about the Cam Newton situation.

“First of all -this is a joke now- first of all I don’t know what happened about that, but if that guy only asked for $200,000 for Cam Newton, they should fire him anyway.”

Even when he’s chipping in about his alma mater, the Chuckster is always good for a laugh.