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Cromartie nixes reality show for his "baby mamas"

15 Apr

After the birth of his 10th child, New York Jets corner Antonio Cromartie is just one short of fielding an offensive/defensive unit.

The birth of Jagger represents his second with his wife Terricka. Now a TV production company wants a piece of the action. There was a proposal to create a reality show about “about the clan trying to co-exist as a modern family,” a source told The New York Post.

Cromartie has deflected the plan, blocking any filming of his offspring.

The single women can use the extra money to help raise their kids, but they also think it’s important “to document their journey,” the source said. “They want Antonio’s support.”

I can understand why he wouldn’t want any part of the show. It would turn into a half hour or more of Antonio bashing. As long as he keeps up on his child support then everything should be ok. I understand that they all want each other to know who their siblings are, but I feel there’s a better way to do that other than a reality show.

Cromartie doesn’t want Tebow with the Jets

21 Mar

With Peyton Manning signing with the Denver Broncos, everyone figures Tim Tebow will be useless. So everyone is in a haste to trade Tebow. I wouldn’t but I’ll save that for later. The frontrunners in the Tebow derby are the New York Jets and Jacksonville Jaguars. I’m sure new offensive coordinator Tony Sparano could develop a package of plays for Tebow and the Jaguars probably could sell more tickets and jerseys.

There is one Jet that doesn’t want Tebow with the Jets. The outspoken Antonio Cromartie. Cromartie says the Jets don’t need Tebow and they should let him go elsewhere.

“We don’t need Tebow,” Cromartie wrote on his Twitter account. “We sell out every home game, let him go to Jacksonville, Tampa or Miami. Out wildcat offensve can (be) run by (Jeremy) Kerley or Joe McKnight. We straight.”

At least Cromartie is showing support for other teammates. But he’s not in the front office and they are the ones that call the shots. Also if I’m the Broncos I might be in no hurry to trade Tebow. I know he’s not the greatest quarterback, but maybe, just maybe he could watch and learn under Manning and be a better player because of it. Also, what if Manning gets hurt because his neck isn’t right? Then you’re back to ground zero. Unless John Elway already has a plan for the draft and free agency for a backup.   

Antonio Cromartie Is A One Man Union

12 Apr

There have been cracks in the players union during the lockout. But one man doesn’t buy into all this. That one man is Antonio Cromartie. The New York Jets (for now) corner says he is a one man union.

“I’m my own union,” Cromartie told Jenny Vrentas of the Newark Star-Ledger. “We’re a trade association, so I’m my own union. I’ve got to protect myself. I’m not worried about what everybody else feels. My biggest thing is going out there and playing football.”

I can see his point about just wanting to get a contract and play football. That’s what you get paid to do. As far as him being a one man union, maybe if it came to having bunches of children.

Burying The Hatchet

1 Mar

Remember when Antonio Cromartie threatned to smash Matt Hasselbeck’s face in. All seems to be well now after running into each other last week and even posed for a picture. Me being the cynic that I am, figures this is some clever posturing for some union solidarity.

Actually they were at the Pro Athletes Outreach NFL conference in Florida last week. Look at them, looking like best buddies. Almost reminds me of Rocky and Apollo Creed. At least they seem to be getting along and all is forgotten.

Cromartie Throws Down The Gauntlet To Hines Ward

22 Jan

New York Jets corner Antonio Cromartie is at it again. In relatively tame week for by Jets standards, Cromartie lashed out Pittsburgh Steelers wideout Hines Ward. It wasn’t explicit or mean spirited like the words he had for Tom Brady, but nonetheless he just couldn’t keep quiet. He wasn’t giving any credit to the other Steelers receivers Emmanuel Sanders and Antonio Brown.

“I don’t think he’s a dirty player, but I know for a fact that he will hit you while you’re not looking, “I don’t think he’s man enough to hit you when you’re looking at him.”

His thoughts on Sanders and Brown.
“They’re young guys, they’re still learning how to play at this level,” Cromartie said. “A guy like Mike Wallace, he’s maybe the best vertical guy that can get up the field. But I mean, the young guys, they do their job, and that’s all you can ask for them to do. You’ve got rookies coming in still learning how to play in the NFL.”

I expect the Steeler receivers to play with a chip on their shoulder tomorrow.