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Luck’s tutor says the Colts would be making a mistake by taking Griffin

1 Apr

Even with owner Jim Irsay saying that it’s “up in the air” about whether the Indianapolis Colts select Robert Griffin III or Andrew Luck, I’d bet good money that the Colts select Luck with the first overall pick of the NFL Draft on April 26.

It almost seems like a foregone conclusion, but there are some that think the Colts should select Griffin over Luck. ESPN’s Merill Hoge and NFL Films’ Greg Cosell are amongst those in support of Griffin.

Andrew Luck’s private quarterback coach, George Whitfield thinks if the Colts don’t select Luck they’ll be making a mistake. Remember that Whitfield also worked with Carolina’s Cam Newton before the draft and he ended up being the top pick in last year’s draft. So he might know what he’s talking about.

“If they over-think this, they’re going to make a mistake they’ll regret for years,” said George Whitfield Jr., Luck’s private quarterbacks coach.

“He’s constantly being categorized as being safe, the sure thing, almost to the point where it’s a negative like there’s a ceiling, no apparent way for him to get better,” Whitfield said. “It’s like they’re describing a girl you’ve never seen as smart, witty, funny, consistent, without saying anything about her physically. It almost feels like they’re looking at him as the guy with the least amount of negatives.
“Let me tell you: He’s far from a finished product. He’s very far along, but there are still things he’s working on mechanically and there are lots of things he’ll get better at by being in the NFL. People are now seeing him throw those intermediate and perimeter passes, and those are throws he’s been dying to make. You don’t think David Shaw (Luck’s coach at Stanford) didn’t want to make more of those perimeter throws or go downtown more during the season? But look at Stanford’s skill position guys. You can only spend within the budget you have.
“But he’s athletic. He’s cat quick. He’s strong. People are saying he’s a prototypical pocket passer, like they’re putting him in this category. But there’s a lot more he can do.”

In my opinion, I think the Colts will select Luck and although I think both will contribute to their teams, Griffin is set up more for immediate success if he lands in Washington as expected. It’s just unfair that Luck is going to be looked upon as the savior since I don’t think he’s cut out for that role. He’ll be good, I just don’t think Colts fans should expect the best out of him just yet.


Fake Luck jerseys for sale

29 Mar

Andrew Luck hasn’t even been drafted, but it hasn’t stopped a website for putting up images of an Indianapolis Colts jersey bearing Luck’s name and college number 12. has the jersey, but you have to figure it’s a fake since Luck hasn’t even been assigned a team or number.

 “I can tell you it’s not authorized by the Colts,” said Chuck O’Hara, the club’s senior director of marketing. 

Said league spokesman Brian McCarthy: “Our legal department is aware and looking into it.”

I’m pretty sure someone has gotten paid from the sales of the “fake” Luck jersey, but there will be some trouble on the horizon when the league decides it wants to investigate a little deeper into the matter.