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Wizards Tuning Out Saunders

8 Jan

As of now the Washigton Wizards are the worse team in the NBA. They have young, talented players but they act like they’re playing at the Rucker instead of the NBA. It looks like a real life version of the movie “Above The Rim” without the dramatic characters. And they’re dangerously heading toward 0-18, New Jersey Nets bad after today’s loss to the Minnesota Timberwolves.

The worse part of this is that they’ve finally admitted to tuning out head coach Flip Saunders. Boy, that’s a shocker. That’s something I’ve figured out since last season. I kind of feel sorry for Saunders, but he simply can’t coach. Having his players not listening to him makes the situation even worse.

 Forward Andray Blatche called today’s performance “sickening” and “embarassing”.

“Flip is definitely doing his job,” Blatche said. “I just don’t feel like guys are listening and following behind what he says and what he wants us to do.”

“Guys want to try to do it their own way, and it’s not working,” Blatche said. “The record shows that. I feel like everybody should go home and focus and think and take consideration for what Flip is saying, because it can’t hurt. It damn sure ain’t helping us our way.”

That is your captain speaking. The same person who earlier questioned his role in the offense.

“It’s on us as players, because we’re the ones being put out there at the end of the day, embarrassing ourselves,” Blatche said.

If they’re not listening to the message now, I think it’s about time that they should. But it may take another coach to get the message across to the youngsters.

It’s gotten so bad, even the super confident John Wall is having doubts.

“I didn’t expect it to be this tough,” said Wall who was 3-for-10 with 10 points and six assists. “It’s just not good right now. … You’ve got to have some type of urgency out there on the court to want to play. You’ve got to have some type of self-esteem or some type of pride that you don’t want to keep being 0-8. It’s a pride game now.”

Well John, it’s the NBA, not high school or college. It’s a grown man’s league, it’s supposed to be tough.

When Saunders was asked what he planned to do he gave an answer that most would give.

“What can I do as a coach to get us better? Right now, I haven’t done a good enough job. That’s evident. We’re not totally getting through to some guys and some guys continue to play the way they want to play and not the way we need to play as far as a team.”

It’s obvious he hasn’t done a good job. If I’m Saunders I’d let someone take this death trap of a job and return to Minnesota or try to get a job on his good buddy Kevin McHale’s staff in Houston.


The Wizards Aren’t On The Same Page

28 Dec

The NBA season is only two days old and the Washington Wizards look like a wayward ship already. After a season opening 90-84 loss to the New Jersey Nets, in which they were ahead by 21, there was a lot of negative energy going around the Wizards’ locker room.

Of course it all starts with coach Flip Saunders, who I’ve said can’t coach his way out of a paper bag. Just look at how a loaded Detroit Pistons team imploded after he took over. After the game Monday night there were fingers pointed at Flip and others.

Forward Andray Blatche questioned his offensive role and rookie Chris Singleton questioned the team’s will to win. Also, center JaVale McGee left the locker room without speaking to reporters after being benched for the last 4 1/2 minutes of the game. Wow, Singleton’s first game as a pro and he’s already questioning teammates. I wonder how that’ll go over in the clubhouse. Of course Saunders had an answer for the loss, disharmony and selfish play.

“It’s a fine line. Is it trust? Or is it, ‘I think that I can make a play to get us going again’ and you try to do it individually,” Saunders said. “In our league, you can’t do it, unless you’re one of the elite players. We don’t have anyone that’s at that elite status right now like [Nets all-star guard] Deron Williams.”

The Wizards have some raw young talent, but it’ll take a while for them to put it together, but don’t throw them under the bus because New Jersey has Deron Williams. You have to build up young players sometimes at the same time give them no excuses when going against an elite performer.

Blatche was left questioning his role on the team, at least offensively, because he felt he wasn’t utilized properly in the post.

“I said that I need the ball in the paint to be effective. You can’t keep having me pick and pop and shooting jump shots. Give me the ball in the paint,” Blatche said after going 5 for 13 from the field. “That’s what I’m most effective at. I’ve been saying that since training camp — I need the ball in the paint. I don’t want to be the pick and pop guy that I used to be. Because it’s not working for me. I’m not saying the offense has to flow through me, but I prefer to be in the paint.”

Maybe Saunders had you shooting jumpers because you complained about playing in the post in the past. Also being torched by Kris Kardashian, i mean, Humphries (21 points, 16 rebounds) didn’t help your cause. Maybe if Blatche excelled at a defined role instead of complaining about it, he would be a better player.

Nick Young kind of defended Blatche on his issues of his role in the offense.

Young said, “’Dray’s trying to be a leader this year, and sometimes he lets things get to him. You’ve got to let things bounce quick and get back in the game. I say he’s going to learn from this game.”

In other words, get over it and grow up.

Singleton hasn’t been in the league that long but already sees why the Wizards aren’t thought of as the most functional bunch in the NBA.

“After that, I feel like we shut down,” Singleton said. “I feel like all the energy was gone and we didn’t want it anymore. It’s something we’ve got to change around here.” Referring to the blown lead.

The Washington Wizards, team harmony.