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Iverson gets a contract offer…from indoor soccer league

22 Feb

It looks like another obscure indoor sports league is making big news again. After Terrell Owens signed with the Allen Wranglers of the Indoor Football League, the Rochester Lancers of the Major Indoor Soccer League announced they have offered a contract to former NBA star Allen Iverson. 

Under the contract offered, Iverson would make $20,000 per game, with a $5,000 bonus for each goal scored. There would also be win bonuses and merchandise bonuses. There’s only one problem. There are only two games left in the season.

“Allen Iverson is one of the premier athletes of our time,” said Rich Randall, Lancers vice president.  “With his athleticism and competitive hunger, I think he can be a great fit with our team and fans as we make an important playoff push, while also driving interest to an exciting, growing sport.”  

I find it nothing more than a ploy to get your team and league in the news. I guess any publicity is good publicity in this case. Don’t look for Iverson to be kicking it on a soccer field near you. Even though Iverson has been reported to be in dire straits financially, the money wouldn’t be enough to satisfy Iverson and his lavish lifestyle. But if he wants to stay over here in the U.S. this would be his chance.  

Iverson wants back in

19 Jun

According to reports and his manager, Allen Iverson is eyeing a comeback. I say good for him. He also needs to get a clue. He clearly isn’t the player he once was and doesn’t have the star power he once had. I’ve always said that ther is a role for him in the league. That would be as a gunner off the bench,that can also finish off a game, or spell an injured starter. He’s no longer a 30-40 minutes per game player. He can still play and I think he should have a better swan song than being a borderline quitter.He’ll never be an all star player again,but I’ve been wrong before.I never bought the “retirement” talk he gave last season.Fans and opposing players as well as Iverson himself knows he still has more game than a lot of the players in the league today. 

Final Answer

5 Mar
It seems the curtain is closing on Allen Iverson’s NBA career.He was released by the Philadelphia 76ers yesterday after missing time to be with his sick daughter.Or so we thought.He was reportedly seen partying  in Charlotte with music producer Jermaine Dupri.

  Iverson has had a brilliant career,but his later years have been marred by controversy and two disastrous stints with the Pistons and Grizzlies.After signing with the 76ers,he wasn’t able to recapture the past glory that made him one of the more decorated stars in the league.I still think he can play and has the ability to help a contender.I just don’t think he has the will to take on a lesser role on a winning team or to be a mentor on a young team.In previous postings, I’ve said some unflattering things about the guy.I actually like him as a player.Can’t really say much for the man himself since I don’t know him.I hate to see him going out limping on a bad knee and a damaged reputation.That is something he could’ve taken care of a long time ago.He’s just to headstrong for any team and they really don’t want to deal with it.I don’t blame them.To top all this off,his wife is filing for divorce saying their marriage is “irretrievably broken”.She also wants full custody of their five children,along with alimony and child support.I don’t know how he feels,but he has to be thinking his world is crumbling.Maybe he takes the rest of this season off and tries to prioritize his life.

Iverson and Grizzlies part ways.Could the Knicks be next?

18 Nov
Allen Iverson was not the answer for the Memphis Grizzlies.The two parties have agreed to mutually parts ways,ending a three game stint that didn’t do either one of them any good. It rids the Grizzlies of a headache and allows them to move on without any significant distractions. 

  There are rumblings that the New York Knicks are showing some possible interest in signing Iverson.The Knicks do not need to explore that option.Iverson does not want to come off the bench and will say it till he’s blue in the face.At some point Knicks coach Mike D’Antoni will want Iverson to come off the bench,Iverson will say no leaving the Knicks no choice but to let him go.The only way Iverson gets a deal in the NBA is if he accepts a role as sixth man,something he clearly doesn’t want to do.He can help a contender,but i doubt he’ll ever get a chance to compete for a ring because of his stubborness.

Iverson’s chumping out if he retires

11 Nov
I like Allen Iverson.I really do.I just think he’s a chump if he retire’s and bails on the Memphis Grizzlies.At this point in his career he should be chasing after a championship and not pouting about coming off the bench. Ivereson started the self sabotaging last season when he pouted about his role with the Pistons. Granted, Memphis isn’t close to championship material, but that doesn’t mean he has to cry his way out of town.Now he’s on a leave of absence to take care of “personal affairs”. If this is it for him,its a terrible way to go out.He can still help a team out and could be a missing piece to a championship team.He would have to do it off the bench,but it appears that he’s resigned to starting, therefore making him unsignable.It was a stellar career,but it looks like the end of the line.  

Iverson and Memphis. They’re meant for each other.

4 Nov

We’re barely two weeks into the NBA season and once again Allen Iverson has committed career suicide. Unable to make it with the Detroit Pistons because  he didn’t want to come off the bench,  the same thing is happening with the Memphis Grizzlies. I’m not gonna excuse the Grizzlies from any of this mess because they were foolish for signing him. It’s was clearly a bad move for a young team and they should have known this was coming.Management saw dollar signs and tickets sales. Now the Grizzlies are dangerously headed toward team knucklehead with Iverson leading the charge. He’s now chirping about having to come off the bench. I understand he’s had a great career and all but he needs to step aside and let the youngsters play and go to the mentor role, if that’s possible for him. Iverson doesn’t realize it’s a “what have you done for me lately?” kind of business and for the last year he hasn’t done too much except complain about his role on the teams he’s been on. Everyone understands you are a great player, have an outstanding body of work, and still have something left to give. But at this point, he would be better served coming off the bench, more for a contender than a chronic rebuilder. As much as I hate to say it, OJ Mayo is better than him and Rudy Gay is better than him, even though he has that magician act going on every once in a while. He’s not gonna lead this team anywhere except the bottom of the standings. What does it say about him if he’s complaining already. He’s selfish. I can understand when he says the negative about me sells more than the positive, but you keep putting yourself in a negative light. Last season he sabotaged his own career when he couldn’t make it work in Detroit. I understand there were some behind the scenes action that didn’t make the situation any better. Thing is, the Pistons had the ultimate team concept there, and he couldn’t make it work there. That was the best situation he’ll probably ever have and he blew it. I can understand when he was in Philadelphia he didn’t have the best talent around him. In Detroit he played with a team that was a regular at the Eastern Confernce finals. He couldn’t compromise. Now he goes to Memphis because no one wants him, because he can’t compromise. He still has that characteristic about him. After this he’ll be the Terrell Owens of the NBA. No one will want a piece of him. I hate to see him go out like this, but i’m afraid this is the final Answer.