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Aldon Smith Charged And Arrested With DUI

28 Jan

San Francisco 49ers rookie linebacker Aldon Smith was arrested and charged with a DUI in Miami Beach Friday night.

San Francisco 49er Aldon Smith was arrested in Miami Beach Friday night and booked into the local jail on DUI charges, according to information from the Miami-Dade County Corrections and Rehabilitation Department website.

According to records, the 23-year-old rookie linebacker was booked into jail at 9:32 a.m. EST Saturday morning after being charged with driving under the influence. The bond amount listed was $1,000.

You always hate to hear news like this and be critical about it. But when will some of these athletes and entertainers realize that they should invest in a cab after getting loaded up after a night of partying. There have been past incidents where the worse has happened.

I look for Smith to get off relatively easy in this case. Probably some AA classes, community service, and a light form of probation.

When will they ever learn?