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Could there be a Haynesworth/Fisher reunion?

28 Feb

Jeff Fisher might want to think before he follows through with this idea. Signing free agent defensive tackle Albert Haynesworth. Yes, the same Haynesworth who has washed out since leaving the Tennessee Titans in a contract year.

When asked by a reporter if there was any interest in Haynesworth, Fisher didn’t completely dismiss the notion of having the big man sign with the Rams.

“There’s some unrestricted free agents out there now that are not under contract that we’ve been talking about,” Fisher said. “He’s one of them. Whether we go ahead and do something, that remains to be seen.”

Don’t do it Jeff. Save yourself the headache. Haynesworth has battled back, weight, and knee problems, not to mention a bad attitude while washing out in Washington, New England, and Tampa Bay. Fisher might not want to entertain the thought of reuniting with Fat Albert. It could turn out to be the worse offseason signing this year.