Archive | June, 2012

Raider rookie gets out of traffic ticket

11 Jun

Everyone raise your hands if you’ve ever heard of Christo Bilukidi. Ok, me neither. But he apparently has some pull on the streets of Oakland.

The sixth round pick from Georgia State got out of a traffic ticket because he mentioned that he was an Oakland Raider. Didn’t the cop know that he was Christo Bilukidi and not Darren McFadden? I guess not. Bilukidi released his bit of good fortune on Twitter to let the world know.

“Ran a red light n got pulled over, cop ask me what I do n I said I’m a Raider, I dodged a 428$ ticket. #BigLeague,” Bilukidi wrote.  

If the cop figured out who he was he would’ve got the ticket. He should’ve got the ticket for the fact that he played for the Raiders.

Young and Delmas are "best friends" now

10 Jun

The Detroit Lions probably can’t wait to get the season started. In an offseason marred by off field arrests and fights, there is some light at the end of the tunnel.

First, defensive tackle Nick Fairley apologized for his recent arrests. Now Louis Delmas and Titus Young have mended their fractured relationship.

Young said last week that everything was ok after he sucker punched Delmas during an offseason training activity. Delmas finally put this story to bed by telling reporters that he and Young are best friends.

“I guess I’ll say right now this is like the honeymoon, getting back on the right track,” Young said last week. “I am very excited about being on the football field, but I hope this excitement leads my whole team to be excited. I don’t want to be the only one excited, I want everybody else in this locker room to be excited, not just about me being back but about this opportunity we have going forth in this season.”    

If anyone found Young’s statement to be shady here is Delmas’ end of it.

“That’s my boy,” Delmas said before the start of the Nate Burleson-Stephen Tulloch Celebrity Softball Game. “Me and him are like best friends now at the end of the day.”

That should put an end to that story. For Lions fans they should hope that they don’t hear about anymore illicit offseason activities.

Ben Roethlisberger and wife expecting a baby

9 Jun

Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger and his wife Ashley are expecting their first child later this year. According the Associated Press it will be a boy. Yes Big Ben will be big daddy.

Roethlisberger released a statement on his official website.

Ashley and I are proud to let you all know that we are expecting a baby boy later this year! It is truly a blessing and we are so excited! – Ben   

The two were married just over a year ago.

Congratulations and hopefully it will be healthy.

Chris Johnson says he’s the best back in the NFL

5 Jun

Chris Johnson had an off year last year and he’s aiming to let people know that it was a fluke. After dealing with a holdout and nagging injuries Johnson averaged a meager 4.0 yards per carry. He now feels as if he’s being dismissed by media and fans. But Johnson isn’t lacking for confidence. He still feels he’s the best back in the league.

“I feel I am still the best back in the league, and I have no problem saying that. None of the active backs have done anything that I have done in the first four years, even though I had a bad year last year. So I still feel like I am the best back in the league.”

The NFL Network’s top 100 list had a lot to do with what Johnson is saying after being ranked behind players like Darren Sproles, Marshawn Lynch, Willis McGahee, and Vonta Leach.

“I know it is one of those ‘What have you done for me lately?’ situations,” Johnson said. “People are not going to look at me as the No. 1 running back in the league. There are people out there who aren’t going to give me the respect I deserve. But at the end of the day it doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks.

 “There’s a lot of backs now who probably didn’t do anything the year before and then they rush for 1,500 yards and they are the top back,” Johnson said. “It’s crazy, really.”

There are players like Ray Rice and Arian Foster that might have something to say about Johnson laying claim to the top spot.

Johnson does have the stats to back up his claim including a 2,000 yard season. I feel he’s still top five but is in a dogfight for top back status. Johnson says he wants to put together another 2,000 yard season to separate himself from the pack.    

“I want to go for another 2,000 yards,” Johnson said. “I want to be the first back to go for 2,000 yards twice, and I think it can be done. It doesn’t matter what anybody else thinks. I think it can be done.”

Olshey shuns Clippers, takes Blazers GM job

5 Jun

After working without a contract this season and being left to twist in the wind by Donald Sterling, Los Angeles Clippers general manager Neil Olshey pulled a swerve on the Clippers and took the Portland Trail Blazers job.

Olshey wasn’t guaranteed a contract by the Clippers and had an agreement in principle with the team until the Blazers came calling. Olshey built the team that went to the second round of the playoffs and had the best winning percentage (.606) in franchise history.

Olshey also interviewed for the Blazers job last year. To be honest I really can’t blame him for leaving. I won’t get into an anti-Sterling tirade but can you really trust him. I could see Sterling pulling the rug from under Olshey and instructing him to blow up the current edition of the team in a few years.

The Clippers have started a search for a general manager before the offseason kicks into full gear. As of now Coach Vinny Del Negro, director of player personnel Gary Sacks and team president Andy Roeser will handle all of team’s responsibilities in regard to basketball operations.

Mike Tyson says T.O. deserves no sympathy

3 Jun

Terrell Owens has had a rough few weeks capped off by being released from the Indoor Football League’s Allen Wranglers with a mere $50 severance pay. And he’s not getting any sympathy from Mike Tyson.

Tyson touched on Owens’ situation during an interview with Mike Missanelli on 97.5 The Fanatic in Philadelphia.

When asked about Owens’ financial woes and his appearance on Dr. Phil, Tyson pulled no punches, no pun intended.

On T.O.’s recent appearance on Dr. Phil and T.O.’s financial woes:

“Well, listen, I can only say about myself. It took a good 18, 20 years for me to go broke, but he got broke pretty quick. It happened quick! We saw him, heard about him signing this contract, but from what you told me, he busted his whole bill. That can happen man when you take liberties for granted.”   

If he thinks the upbringing he and T.O. experienced played a role in the kind of quick rise and fall:

 “Oh, man, he’s not even in my same league as far as getting blood sucked. He’s not even in my league. But we’re talking about this issue, so, yeah, they’re out there. But in order to get your blood sucked, you have to be in position to want to suck some blood too. Even the con cons the con because he wants to con somebody.”

If he thinks people should feel sorry for T.O. for his fall from grace:

“No, we should have no sympathy for him, he’s a grown man. We should be jealous and pissed off he has so much goddamned fun. Shoot! That’s what we should be jealous about. Listen, this is one thing. When you’re living that life you think you’re a big boy — and this is one thing I learned when I was rolling like a big boy — I said ‘don’t worry about it, I can handle it, I’m a big boy.’ Big boys have big responsibilities and big circumstances.”

If he thinks T.O. made a mistake by making an appearance like that where he had to have known he’d face criticism:

“I don’t know, I don’t know why he would want to do that because that’s just a bomb waiting to explode right there. But I don’t know. He did the right thing he believed for the circumstances. All I know is he did what he thought was best for him, and I know he’s not feeling good about himself right now, but you get over it and life goes on.”

Does he know Owens?

“I don’t know him. I know he can’t be broke because he’s a bad guy. He’s broke because he didn’t know what was going on.”

Owens won’t get any from me because he was a bad teammate, had scores of money and didn’t pay attention to who was ripping him off until it was too late. That’s on him and the sooner he looks in the mirror the better off he will be.

DeMarco Murray thinks the Cowboys should be in the Super Bowl

3 Jun

Cowboys running back DeMarco Murray is not making a Super Bowl prediction but during a recent local radio interview, the Cowboys running back did say that the he doesn’t see why the Cowboys shouldn’t be playing on the game’s biggest stage next February in New Orleans according to Jon Machota of the Dallas Morning News.

“We have a great group of young guys and we also have a great group of vets who I think they’re still playing like they’re 25, 26, 27 years old,” Murray told Galloway & Company on 103.3 [KESN-FM]. “Look at [Jason] Witten, I’m around that guy everyday and he’s one of the hardest working guys. He’s out there beating me in agility drills. I’m trying my hardest over and over and over to beat him and I can’t beat [him].

“I think we have a great group of guys but at the same time we definitely feel that this year is going to be a great year for us and we don’t see why we shouldn’t be in the Super Bowl this year.”

“I think we have the pieces,” Murray said. “We have a great coaching staff and that’s what we are aiming for. We’re aiming to not only make the playoffs and make a splash, but I think every NFL team is looking to win the Super Bowl.”

Justin Blackmon arrested on aggravated DUI charge

3 Jun

Jacksonville Jaguars rookie and former Oklahoma State standout, Justin Blackmon, was arrested on a complaint of aggravated DUI early Sunday in Stillwater, according to the Payne County Jail.

Blackmon was booked into jail about 10 a.m. The details are scarce right now.

According to Oklahoma law, an aggravated DUI is when one’s blood alcohol content is .15 or greater. This is Blackmon’s second alcohol related arrest in three years. He was nailed in Carrollton,Texas after attending a Monday night game in Dallas in October 2010.

Blackmon has yet to sign a contract with the Jaguars as negotiations have started two weeks ago.

That explains why he was hanging out in Stillwater.  

Eddie George trying to save his house from foreclosure

3 Jun

Former Tennessee Titans star Eddie George received a surprise at his home this week in the form of a foreclosure notice. According to George’s accountant, Larry Goodman, the home is scheduled to be auctioned on June 7.

Goodman had been negotiating a loan modification with IndyMac Mortgage Services over the past seven months.

The Georges bought the 8,550-square-foot home in the gated Brentwood, Tenn., community of Hampton Reserve at the height of the market. They currently owe more than what the house is worth. They bought it for $1.675 million in September 2007 and recently listed the home for sale for $1.1 million.

“Because the loan and equity is not in balance where it should be, we want to go through a loan modification process,” Goodman said.

IndyMac hasn’t discussed modifying the terms when the payments were current so George has intentionally missed four or five payments to get the ball rolling on negotiations. The Georges love living in the home and are surprised by the foreclosure.

“We’re not trying to walk away from anything,” Goodman said. “They love living there. It’s a great house. Like anybody else who buys an expensive house, it flipped on him.”

Don’t confuse the foreclosure with George being broke. Goodman says George and his family are financially stable and are in no danger of going broke. They’re just like any other American homeowner who is trying to get out from under some bad terms regarding their house.

George has a landscaping business with offices in Ohio and Nashville. He also appeared on sports related television shows.

Tamara George was part of the singing group Sisters With Voices, or SWV, during the 1990s and recently released a new cd. She later appeared on a season of the television reality series Survivor.

Reggie Jackson says there’s too much showboating in baseball

2 Jun

Once upon a time, Reggie Jackson told a reporter that he was the straw that stirs the drink, referring to his status in the New York Yankees hierarchy. At the time the comment was seen as controversial and self promoting. But he backed it up, as his three home runs in Game 6 against the Los Angeles Dodgers in the 1977 World Series proved.    

Now Jackson looks at the flamboyance and showboating of some players with disgust. Jackson says there’s too much strutting and showboating by players that aren’t any good.

“If you had talent,” Jackson told USA TODAY Sports, “you could have style. There’s nothing wrong with style. I had style when I hit (563) home runs. But you’ve got to build up some history.

“What I’m seeing these days, and some of the arrogance, I feel like walking up, and saying, ‘What’s wrong with you? You can’t play. That’s not style. It’s a goofy act.’

“I know it’s entertainment, but if you have style and can’t play, then you’re nothing more than a fool. I see a lot of fools out there.”

“If some of these guys were as concerned with getting base hits and winning games as they were Twitter, maybe they could perform better and earn some style,” Jackson said.

When I watch the game I do agree with Jackson although he sounds like a bitter old man. Not many of the players today could back up their bravado like Jackson could. The worse part is seeing lesser players always having their name in the news and it’s not for their on field accomplishments.

If you can’t play you shouldn’t be out there making a spectacle of yourself.