Welker Says A "Lady" Is Key To Belichick’s Kindness

1 Feb

Today was media day for Super Bowl XLVI. Which means there will be guarantees, predictions, and some zany comments.

New England Patriots receiver Wes Welker has started with the funny stuff. When he was asked about coach Bill Belichick’s kinder, gentler mood of late, Welker attributed it to a “lady in his life”.

“I don’t know, I think he’s enjoying himself,” Welker said when asked about Belichick’s demeanor.  “I think he’s got a lady in his life, so that could definitely be the case; I don’t know.  We’re just coming here to try and win a ballgame.  However we do that or whatever demeanor we have to take, that’s what it’s going to be.”

I know Welker wasn’t serious about that. but it is kind of funny. It’s something you normally hear around the workplace or amongst friends.

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