Archive | November, 2011

UCLA Gets A Bowl Waiver

30 Nov

At 6-6 and going into a conference championship game UCLA has a chance to have a losing record and not make a bowl. At least that’s how it usually works out. Except the Bruins applied for a bowl waiver so that they will be able to go bowling with a more than likely 6-7 record. And for some strange reason they were granted the waiver.

Here’s the reasoning. Since they fighting Neuheisels are the Pac-12 South champ by default since USC is on probation, the Pac-12 is struggling to fill their allotment of bowl slots. So enter UCLA with their meager 6-6 (or 7) record to help out the situation. The Bruins, the Pac-12 South paper champs, are 31 (and counting) point underdogs to Oregon in the Pac-12 championship game. So they’ll probably end up being 6-7 going into their bowl game. Athletic Director Dan Guerrero sounds pleased at the recent turn of events.

“As a program, we appreciate the NCAA approving our petition for a bowl waiver,” said UCLA athletic director Dan Guerrero in a release. “We will be able to give our 18 seniors one more chance to represent their university and end their collegiate careers on a high note, regardless of the outcome of this Friday’s Pac-12 Championship Game. We’d like to thank the NCAA for considering the unique situation in which we find ourselves this year and rewarding us with this opportunity.”

And another chance to catch a beatdown. They’ll be joining some elite company as North Texas went to the 2001 New Orleans Bowl with a 5-6 record. At least the Mean Green won their conference and aren’t a fake champion like UCLA.

Dan Guerrero’s and UCLA’s selfish motivation to bring money into the shcool is a short sighted effort. The embarrassment that playing in the Pac-12 Championship Game, know full well, that they are not qualified to play in that game… then the audacity to petition for a Bowl Game, just to bring in some bucks at the expense of the players, is a joke.

The football team has taken enough grief this season under Neuheisel, but having a 6-6 season, the huge loss to USC (the real Pac-12 South champs), the blow out losses against the other teams, and then to be completely embarrassed on national TV when they play Oregon, as 31.5 pt underdogs, which my money is on Oregon by 50 pts.

Now you want the UCLA players in another potential loss and more embarrassment in a bowl game. Again… Dan Guerrero and the UCLA administration doesn’t show me any style, class nor grace. I guess, if the shoe fits, wear it.

UCLA alumni are furious with this move, Guerrero and Neuheisel. Perhaps Guerrero needs to be fired too.


Sumlin Might Want To Stay In Houston

30 Nov

University of Houston head football coach, Kevin Sumlin is a hot commodity right now. He has the Cougars at 12-0 and positioned to get to a BCs bowl game. The offense he runs has put up some video game numbers and have scored a ton of points this season. It’s a testament to him and the team that they’ve been able to focus amid speculation that Sumlin is in line for a higher profile job.

With numerous coaches being shown the ax recently his name is being mentioned for jobs at Arizona State, Illinois, Mississippi, and UCLA. If I’m Sumlin I’d stay put at Houston. For how long it depends. Only of Bob Stoops ever decided to leave Oklahoma would be the only way I’d leave Houston.

Not to say that any of those jobs are bad jobs, but Sumlin would be set up for failure. Maybe Arizona State would be the job I would consider. But with USC still reeling in top tier recruits I would probably steer clear of the Sun Devils job.

As of now Sumlin is having none of the speculation talk and says he’s working on an extension with Athletic Director Mack Rhoades.

“I’ve talked to Mack a couple of times, we’ve had a couple different discussions about a lot of things,” Sumlin said. “I’ve got a really strong relationship with him, an open relationship. Our administration understands that we’re trying to win a championship, and things that detract from that, I’m not really interested in doing.”

“Nobody has talked to me all year,” Sumlin said. “No one has contacted me from anywhere in the country about a coaching job anywhere. Even if they tried, at this point, I wouldn’t even talk to them. We’re in the middle of the season.”

With new facilities being put in place and Houston moving to the Big East things might be looking up for the Cougars as far as being relevant nationally again. Of course that all depends on the Big East keepin their AQ status in the BCS. It looks like Sumlin might be in Houston for the long haul.


Clippers To Pursue Dwight Howard?

30 Nov

The NBA lockout still has to undergo some minor details (vote and ratify) before it’s officially over. The news has started to pick up regarding who’ll get released, traded, or signing elsewhere.

Orlando Magic big man Dwight Howard has been dodging questions about his future whereabouts, but that won’t stop the rumor mill from ramping up. Reports say that the Los Angeles Clippers will possibly make a push for Howard. Interesting since Donald Sterling does own the Clippers. But I guess the possibility of playing with Blake Griffin might trump Sterling’s incompetence. Think about the tandem of Howard and Griffin playing side by side. That might actually get some players to think about playing in Clipperland.

Of course the Clippers will have some heavy competition for Howard and Howard most of this, especially since the tentative labor agreement permits extend-and-trade deals and also allows sign-and-trade deals for all taxpaying teams during the first two seasons of the CBA.

I don’t think it’ll happen, but the Clippers might have the most attractive young trade chips to pull it off. 


UCLA’s Travis Wear Injured While Snorkeling

27 Nov
UCLA’s basketball season is just five games old and they’re already enduring a trying season. They’ve lost to Loyola Marymount and Middle Tennessee State, had a bad showing in Maui, and are 1-4 with their lone win coming against Chaminade.
Before the season started the coach Ben Howland has had to deal with the Jerime Anderson arrest, Reeves Nelson’s insubordination, and now Travis Wear’s injury.

This season could go from bad to worse if the Bruins can’t pull it together and go on a hot streak and win some games.

UNLV Stuns North Carolina

27 Nov

Even though preseason rankings in college sports, more so in basketball than football, intrigue me they don’t mean anything. I said that a few years ago, and I’m gonna say it again. They don’t mean a thing.

There have been a rash of early season upsets so far. Cleveland State over Vanderbilt, Loyola Marymount and Middle Tennessee State over UCLA, and Pittsburgh being taken down by Long Beach State. Now the number one team, the stacked and talented North Carolina Tar Heels were stunned by UNLV, 90-80.

These may all turn out to be fluky early season wins, but the Tar Heels are expected to contend for the national title this year. It’s only one game so I won’t make too much out of it since everyone has a bad night. I’m not making excuses for the Heels, but it was practically a road game for them. It was played at Orleans Arena in Las Vegas. Eventually the road catches up with you.

I won’t pencil the Tar Heels in for a championship, but I won’t be surprised if they win it all. But for now let things play out early in the season before handing out rankings like Halloween candy.

Rodriguez Gets Frustrated Watching Michigan

24 Nov

Former Michigan coach Rich Rodriguez found a landing spot in Tucson, coaching the Arizona Wildcats. That doesn’t mean that he still doesn’t have feelings about Michigan. Why, I don’t know, but Rodriguez admitted that it’s frustrating watching Michigan win at his press conference.

“It’s frustrating to watch them, I don’t mind telling you,” Rodriguez said, “because those are all my guys. But I’m proud of them because they’re doing so well.”

Rodriguez believed that the Wolverines would turn the corner this year so it comes as no surprise to him that they are 9-2 heading into the Ohio State game this week. I still think they had ways to go. Truth is Rodriguez never had a chance at Michigan. He had the knives in his back as soon as he hit Ann Arbor. Wins would’ve cured the ills but he didn’t win enough. Another thing that killed Rodriguez was defense. If he really gave a damn about defense he might still be at Michigan.

He might have a chance at Arizona where the offenses in the Pac-12 put up video game numbers weekly. Everyone knows that offense is Rodriguez’s specialty. If he can get the Wildcats to play some defense they could be formidable in the Pac-12. It might be a mirage, but Rodriguez might be able to succeed in the desert.

Jay-Z Has To Reject NBA Players From The VIP

18 Nov

Because of the NBA lockout owners or coaches can’t communicate with the players. It makes for a pretty dicey situation. No communication, fraternizing, etc. If you do, you risk a fine that could run $500,000.

New Jersey Nets part owner Jay-Z knew this so at a recent GQ party in Los Angeles, Jay had to turn away a posse of NBA players wanting to chat with him in the VIP party room. Carmelo Anthony, Blake Griffin, Andre Iguodala, Russell Westbrook, JaVale McGee and Shannon Brown, among others were turned down from the VIP by Mr. Carter (Jay-Z).

“So all the athletes were clamoring to talk to Jay-Z in his private section, even Melo, but because of the lockout, Jay had to turn them all down. He refused to let any of them thru, and also warned his security to watch out because of his NBA ownership, he wasn’t allowed to fraternize with them,” said our source.

Smart move Jay, now just don’t go out giving ridiculous contracts to overrated players.


Lions Trying To Right The Ship, Have An R-Rated Chant To Haters

18 Nov

After losing three of their last four, the Detroit Lions are trying to get their season back.

Wide receivers coach Shawn Jefferson set the tone for a recent practice by gathering the players at midfield and chanted “F— Them”.

Go ahead and fill in the blanks on that one. That wasn’t directed to anyone in particular, but they’re trying to get the swagger back after being beatdown by the Chicago Bears last week. I suspect it probably had more to do with various media memebers calling them a dirty team and some saying that they’ll flop and miss the playoffs after a 5-0 start.

Hopefully it’ll translate to something positive for the team.

Syracuse Assistant Investigated For Molesting Ball Boy

18 Nov

On the heels of the Penn State child sex abuse scandal comes another bombshell. Longtime Syracuse basketball assistant Bernie Fine is at the center of a police investigation for molesting a ball boy for more than a dozen years in the 1980s.

Police stressed to Outside The Lines they are in the early stages of the investigation.

The alleged victim, Bobby Davis, now 39, told Outside the Lines that Fine molested him beginning in 1983 shortly before Davis entered the seventh grade. Davis, the team’s ball boy for six years beginning in 1984, said the abuse occurred at Fine’s home, at the Syracuse basketball facilities, and on road trips, including the 1987 Final Four.

In addition, a second man — a relative of Davis — told OTL that he was also molested by Fine around the same time as the first boy.

Davis reported the crimes to the police in 2003 but was told that the statute of limitations had run out. davis also said that it was possible that other boys were molested.

Davis said that Fine molested him at Fine’s home, at the basketball facilities at Syracuse, on recruiting road trips and even at the 1987 Final Four. Davis said he was Fine’s constant companion at all those places. He said that Boeheim would come into Fine’s room, and see Davis lying on the Fine’s bed, but never asked him any questions.

Davis said he was molested by Fine until he was around 27 years old. Through the years, he said he has felt bitter emotions over the molestation as sex scandals have emerged in the Catholic Church and lately with former Penn State defensive coordinator Jerry Sandusky.

Davis said he reported the abuse to Syracuse police in 2003, but that a detective told him that the statute of limitations had run out. Davis said the detective told him that if he knew of boys being molested by Fine at the time, that Syracuse police would investigate those allegations. Davis said he told the detective that he thought other boys were being molested but that he had only direct knowledge of Fine molesting him.

At the time, the Syracuse police chief was Dennis Duval, a former Syracuse basketball player for Boeheim. Duval, who retired in 2004, could not be reached for comment. He played at Syracuse from 1971 to 1974, and started with the Syracuse Police Department in 1978.

Outside the Lines investigated Davis’s story in 2003 but decided not to run the story because there were no other victims who would talk, and no independent evidence to corroborate the boy’s story. In recent days, a second man contacted Outside the Lines with information alleging that Fine had also molested him. That man said he was inspired to finally talk after seeing news coverage of the Sandusky case.

This is just sick. This is slightly different from the Penn State case only because there is no evidence of a cover up.

Victims of these type of crimes need to speak up. It’s a shame that these men use their power and influence to prey on impressionable young children. I don’t care how long it’s been, if this is indeed true, Fine needs to be locked up immediately. You would’ve thought that Boeheim might’ve asked questions if he saw some kid laying on his bed.

Boeheim might not be as culpable as Joe Paterno, but he needs to ask questions if something looks amiss.


Davie Looks To Revive His Coaching Career

17 Nov

It took awhile for former Notre Dame football coach Bob Davie to get another job, but he finally found one. No I’m not talking about Davie leaving ESPN for another TV gig, but he’ll be taking over the New Mexico football program.

First of all I thought that Mike Leach would take over this reclamation project. With the high powered offenses he’s constructed in the past he would’ve sold some tickets. Davie is a name, but not one who comes with a lot of sizzle that will move people to buy tickets.

Secondly, why would Davie want this job? I know that he probably had an itch to get back into coaching, but taking the New Mexico job might ruin him for life. No one has won there and the Lobos have back to back 1-11 seasons which got Mike Locksley canned among other things.

I guess it could be a no lose situation for Davie. If he wins five games a year he might be revered in Albuquerque. Hell, they might even put a statue up of him if he gets them to a couple of bowl games. Nonetheless, Davie has a major job in making New Mexico football matter.