Archive | September, 2011

Thoughts From Doc Gooden

28 Sep

Since he has lots of idle time on his hands, Doc Gooden has lots of random thoughts going through his mind. About what, I don’t know. Except for this tidbit that he somehow has an “inside scoop” on where Albert Pujols may land in free agency.

Look for Albert Pujols to follow Ozzie Guillen to Florida if the cardinals don’t resign him. #insidescoop.

Straight from Doc’s Twiiter account. I wonder what prompted him to say that. Maybe he knows something we don’t. If it weren’t for his checkered past I’d give him more credibility. He did play in the majors so he might have some kind of inside contact, so I have to give him some credit.

Maybe I’ll start a Twitter account so I can get some more of Doc’s inside scoops.

Arvydas Sabonis Suffers A Heart Attack

28 Sep

Former Portland Trailblazers big man Arvydas Sabonis suffered a heart attack in his native country of Lithuania while playing basketball. He was rushed to the hospital and is believed to be in stable condition.

The Trailblazers issued a press release confirming Sabonis’ status.

“The Portland Trail Blazers have confirmed that Arvydas Sabonis has been hospitalized after suffering a heart attack in his native Lithuania,” the statement read. “His condition is believed to be non-life threatening. Our thoughts are with Arvydas and his family at this time. We wish him well in a speedy recovery.”

Shaquille O’Neal once joked that Sabonis was one of the centers he made retire from the NBA. I thought his basketball playing days were over once he retired from the NBA. Sabonis was an effective player although he came to the NBA when he was on the downside of his playing career. Truth is Sabonis was a beast when he played over in Europe and would’ve given plenty of opposing big men trouble had he decided to come to the NBA after he was drafted in 1986.

He played seven seasons with the Blazers and posted career NBA averages of 12.0 points and 7.3 rebounds per game. In Europe, he was named player of the year eight times and won a gold medal while representing the Soviet Union at the 1988 Olympics.

Dungy Labels The Texans As The Biggest Fakers

23 Sep

All the talk in the NFL is surrounding players faking injuries. The league has said they will punish players that are caught faking. Deon Grant played his macho card as to why he wouldn’t fake one. I believe some teams might do it to save their team a timeout.

Former NFL head coach Tony Dungy has been pretty opinionated since he’s been out of the game. During an interview on the Dan Patrick Show, Dungy was asked if he ever had a player fake an injury. Of course the answer was no but he did have something to say about who were the kings of faking injuries.

“No I’ve never done that but in the time I was coaching in Indy we saw it quite a bit, we really did,” Dungy said. “It’s a tactic that is used, it’s part of what’s happening now in the NFL and it’s really tough to prove. We sent in a lot of tapes to the league and it never could get resolved so just kind of have to go with the flow and know that it’s going to happen.”

“The biggest offenders we saw were the Houston Texans. We played them twice a year, our players knew the defensive line coach there, they knew the signal for faking an injury,” he said. “Chad Bratzke would always tell me, ‘Here it comes. Guy’s gonna fall down right now.’

“And that’s what would happen and, you know, they’d catch their breath or whatever and get the substitutions in, you’d send it in to the league and say, ‘Hey, this guy was never contacted on the play, let’s look at it. The trainer’s out there for three or four minutes working on him.’

“But it really is hard to tell. And how can you say when a guy really is hurt and when he isn’t? Miraculously, though, they all seem to come back into the game.”

Instead of stewing about it then, maybe Dungy should’ve went public with those allegations. I know that isn’t his style and it wouldnt’ve went over too good, but that might’ve been the only way that it could’ve been resolved. Don’t come out now that you’re a member of the media and bring it up.   

South Carolina’s New Duds

22 Sep

It looks like UnderArmour is trying to catch Nike in the unique uniform design department.

South Carolina will be sporting new Wounded Warrior Project uniforms for their game against Auburn on October 1.

In an effort to recognize the sacrifices made by members of our Armed Forces as well as to commemorate the tenth anniversary of September 11, this year’s uniforms will embrace the American spirit by incorporating a custom “USA stars and stripes” head-to-toe design. To further support all veterans, each team will replace their last names on their jerseys with a core value embellishment – Duty, Honor, Courage, Commitment, Integrity, Country, or Service – and will be led on field by selected wounded warrior honorary captains.

“As we continue to reflect on the tenth anniversary of September 11, we recognize the importance of honoring those that lost their lives on that day and the men and women of our Armed Forces that continue to fight for freedom,” said Matt Mirchin, Under Armour Senior Vice President, Sports Marketing. “We are privileged to work with Wounded Warrior Project, South Carolina, Texas Tech, and the University of South Florida to carry on the tradition of these special games and support the Believe in Heroes campaign.”

First there were the crazy Maryland uniforms and now these. Actually they don’t look that bad. I like them more than their regular uniforms.

Deon Grant Says He Wasn’t Faking

22 Sep

After the St. Louis Rams filed a complaint with the NFL about the New York Giants faking injuries, the league sent out a memo basically stating that those caught faking an injury will be punished.

Giants safety Deon Grant says that if there’s a problem he’ll gladly address it. Grant was the main culprit along with teammate Jacquian Williams in the injurygate scandal. Grant isn’t too happy about it and says he’s too tough to fake an injury.

“I wanna ask a question: From the first time I touched the football field, how many games (have) I (missed)?” Grant said Wednesday, noting that he’s played 162 out of 162 possible games since he came into the league back in 2001. “None, right? None. Now to this day I got two torn MCLs. I just had wrist surgery two years ago. I had a hole in my labrum and a torn rotator cuff. I (haven’t) missed (any) games.”

“I went out one play,” Grant said. “I got banged up, and went right back in and finished the game — (just like I have) every game for my career. My whole thing is when (do) you know (if) somebody faking an injury? … I’m not no duck or no dummy. I’m not about to be going out there banging myself up like they do in the movies.

“You look at my knees now, do you see this knee (my right one), this knee is smaller than that one (my left one)? You see the bang up, right?”

Grant claimed he banged knees on the previous play and the Rams tried to line up while he was out of position. Besides going out of his way to prove how macho he is, he also implied that a teammate, maybe Justin Tuck told him to “just go down”.

“And I was like, ‘No,'” Grant said. “But as I was walking they lined up knowing I couldn’t get back into my position because of the injury, so I went down. It just so happened Jacquain — he was catching a cramp at the same time — and he went down.

Grant had plenty to say. He said if the league wants to fine him he’s ok. Just give him some money for the metal plates in his knees and the surgeries. He also doesn’t care what the Rams think either.

“Like I just told (you), if you want me to be fined for that, how about (the league) give me money for playing on these torn MCLs, for me finishing the season with a torn rotator cuff and with a labrum that I got fixed before the season so I won’t miss (any) games and sell my team out like that,” Grant said.

“Give me some money for this metal plate and screws that I have in my hip that was a career-ending injury,” he continued. “I can keep going on and on. Give me some money for finishing the season with a cast on, with a broken wrist and torn ligaments. Want me to keep going? Give me some money for me breaking my finger and it popping through my skin and the bone’s just hanging out and I wrap it up and finish a preseason game or start a preseason game because the game hasn’t even started — I did that in warmups.

“I can go on and on and on. So if you want to talk about claims and all that other stuff, and all this toughness and softness, nobody’s gonna try me first of all with the softness thing. But if you wanna talk about this whole toughness and all that, I got the injuries to speak for it.

“What was that down and distance when that happened?” Grant asked. “(Second-and-2) So they had, what, (three) plays to score right? So how you slowing somebody down?

“They already got down the field right? You got (three) plays, and I’m not even in the game the next play. You got (three) plays to score and that’s what you’re complaining about? C’mon.”

We get it Deon. You’re just way too tough to be faking. Personally I don’t care one way or another. There will always be a team willing to bend the rules to get an edge. If he wasn’t faking then oh well. Life goes on. We know football players are big and tough, I just don’t care for someone to go out of their way to prove it.



Jeff George Wants One More Shot

20 Sep

Apparently Jeff George feels he still has some unfinished business in the NFL. George was the former number one pick in the 1990 NFL Draft by the Indianapolis Colts.

George, who resides in Indianapolis, is still politicking for a job in the NFL. George last played in the NFL in 2001 with the Washington Redskins told Sam Farmer of the Los Angeles Times thathe could pick up the Colts offense in a matter of days”.

Ok Jeff, just like you picked up the Raiders offense back in ’97. George probably still has a cannon for an arm and probably could still play today. But he was such a headcase and malcontent he was seemingly blackballed. Ok let me rephrase that. No team in their right mind would give him a shot.

Especially when it looks like the Colts have a legitimate shot at winning the Andrew Luck sweepstakes.

Tony Romo Is Owed An Apology

20 Sep

I’m not the biggest Tony Romo slappy around, but I have to give him his due. It’s about time plenty of others do the same. It was announced that Romo played yesterday’s game against the San Francisco 49ers with a cracked rib. It was reported later today that Romo has a punctured lung.

Now I know many Cowboys fans have a love/hate relationship with Romo. It’s true that he hasn’t led them anywhere and was the goat in a week 1 loss to the New York Jets. But yesterday’s performance was heroic. Before I get lambasted here, the Cowboys were doing nothing in yesterday’s game when Jon Kitna was at the helm. So think about that for a moment.

There are plenty of players that would’ve sat out the rest of yesterday’s game. Remember when Chicago Bears quarterback Jay Cutler left last season’s NFC Championship game because of a questionable injury. I do and he was ripped from coast to coast because of it. I’m not saying that because of yesterday’s game that Romo is the next coming of Johnny Unitas, but what he did yesterday was beyond macho.

Maybe it’s time to cut Romo a little slack and not focus so much on his negatives.

Cowboys Kicker Says They Need To "Hit Ted Ginn In The Mouth"

17 Sep

When there’s some trash talk going on in the NFL it usually isn’t the kicker being the player doing the talking. Dallas Cowboys kicker David Buehler doesn’t follow that unwritten protocol.

San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Ted Ginn singlehandedly saved the 49ers in their season opener with a kick and punt return for touchdowns. Buehler seems to think that if Ginn getys his hands on the ball, the Cowboys need to hit him in the mouth.

“If the wind is at my back, hopefully I’ll get the green light and be able to kick a touchback and keep it out of Ted Ginn’s hands because he is a dangerous returner,” Cowboys kicker David Buehler said. “As long as you hit him in the mouth earlier, I think he might give up.”

Considering that Buehler only had one touchback in five attempts last week, the Cowboys might get that chance.


Reeves Says Falcons Abandoned Vick

17 Sep

Michael Vick will be making a homecoming of sorts this Sunday when the Philadelphia Eagles square off against the Atlanta Falcons. For those who remember, Vick started his career with the Falcons before a dog fighting scandal derailed his career for a few years.

Former Falcons head coach Dan Reeves was at the helm when Vick was drafted number one overall in 2001. Reeves had been accused of holding Vick back in his formative years in the NFL. Vick had been accused of ending Reeves’ coaching life in Atlanta.

Even though Reeves was burned by Vick, an article in the Philadelphia Daily News indicates that the two are friendly with each other and send each other text messages. Reeves had some things to say about Vick and the Falcons organization. He feels that in Vick’s darkest moment that the Falcons turned their back on him.

“When Mike really needed them they turned their back on him in my opinion,” said Reeves. “They could have been a big supporter and they let him go. I think it could have been handled differently.

“I wasn’t there so I don’t know the organization’s standpoint, but I thought they could have been more supportive and instead they severed ties with him.”

Vick doesn’t see it that way and has accepted full responsiblity for his actions. Falcons owner Arthur Blank felt that Vick brought it upon himself, but yet lobbied for Vick to get a second chance in the NFL.

“He has let down his fans and his team. He has damaged the reputation of our club and the entire National Football League, and betrayed the trust of many people,” said Falcons owner Arthur Blank in the summer of 2007.

“Only he can answer why he did what he did. At the end of the day he put himself in this position, and the responsibility for doing so rests on his shoulders.”

Vick says he still has respect for Blank, which proves that he harbors no ill feelings about the way the whole ordeal was handled by the Falcons.

“I’m pretty sure every guy in that organization has the utmost respect for him, and I still do,” said Vick of Blank. “I always wish him nothing but the best. I still care about him and I love him unconditionally, and it will always be that way.”

My personal opinion about what Reeves said is that Blank tried to stand by Vick as long as he could. Vick still respects Blank for treating him more like a family member than an employee. When a family member does something wrong, you still support them but in different ways. Blank supported Vick by telling league officials that he should get a second chance, he just couldn’t stand by him with the dogfighting scandal hanging over his head.


Ortiz Feels Sorry For Manny

17 Sep

David Ortiz and Manny Ramirez seemed inseperable during their time together as teammates with the Boston Red Sox. Ortiz and Ramirez might have been the most dyanamic one-two punch in Major League Baseball during their time in the same lineup. They were best friends and you could tell by the way they interacted with each other.

That’s probably why Ortiz said that he is “shocked and disappointed” by Ramirez’s recent actions. If you remember, Ramirez was suspended for 100 games for violating Major League Baseball’s drug policy a second time. Ramirez abruptly retired five games into the season on April 8. Ramirez was recently arrested for domestic violence.

Just like any other professional athlete faced with a life of normalcy, if you can call it that, Ramirez doesn’t know what to do with himself. Something that Ortiz touched on in a recent interview.

“To be honest with you, I’ve talked to some guys and when it comes down to retirement, even when they get prepared to do it, once they do it they’re not ready for it,” Ortiz said Friday. “And in Manny’s situation he retired from the game when nobody expected it, so I think it has to be a little hard for him just chilling and not playing the game that he loved.

“I mean, I’m not using that as an excuse for him to do what he did because you can never go that far. I’ve only heard comments about what happened and I don’t really know, nobody really knows what happened behind closed doors at his house. But everybody knows you cannot go that far and let that happen. Everybody knows how we, as humans, look at that.”

“When it comes down to the game, I can’t imagine how he feels about not playing,” Ortiz said. “He knows it’s all his fault. He can’t blame nobody but himself, so it might get even worse. When you can blame it on somebody else you at least have an argument but when you know it’s all your fault it’s got to be even harder.”

“It has to be [difficult],” Ortiz said. “The last time we talked was when we played each other in spring training. Manny’s a hard guy to reach. I think it’ll be easy for me to get in touch with Obama than it would be to get in touch with Manny. I would like to at some point and see how he’s doing.”

Ortiz also expressed his disappointment with Ramirez regarding the domestic violence sllegations surrounding him. Obvioulsy this is something Ortiz never thought would happen.

“They are a beautiful couple and they have great kids and a beautiful family, so hopefully they figure things out and he realizes that what he did was wrong,” Ortiz said. “He needs to regroup with his family and have a good life.

“He had a wonderful career, and it didn’t end the way he wanted it to, but he still had a great career. You marry your wife one day because you think that’s the right person to be right next to. Now that you need her the most, you don’t want to be going through things like that. It’s easier said than done, but Manny’s a good dude. He’s not a bad person. I hope everything works out for him and his family.”

Manny needs to reevaluate what’s important to him right now. He’s lost without the game of baseball and it’s starting to show. Witness the way he handled the media when they tried to interview him outside of his house. He needs to realize who cares about him. Ortiz has tried to reach out to him. It’s about time he returned the favor.