DeVier Posey Hates Wisconsin

13 Feb

After Wisconsin knocked off number one Ohio State on the hardwood and the football field, Ohio State wide receiver DeVier Posey had some strong words for Wisconsin. From the almighty Twitter account.

“I’ll be totally honest I hate wisconsin.. With a passion Yeah I said it !!! I can’t wait to play them again next season!!! Just being honest.”Watching a game like that gets yo competitive juices going something crazy !!! Can’t wait.”

I’m sure Buckeye big man Jared Sullinger feels the same way after Badger fans provided fuel for these two teams by spitting on Sullinger. I’m down with a lot of the antics college kids do, but this isn’t one of them. As far as Posey goes, he was on the wrong end as a player and spectator and I see where he’s coming from. He’s also one of the Buckeye 5 who are suspended for the first five games of the year. He better hope the Buckeyes aren’t in the toilet by then.

Also Ohio State Athletic Director Gene Smith feels the same way. He responded, via Twitter of course, with “Feel ya bro!!!” . Nothing like some good ol’ Buckeye solidarity.

Your turn Wisconsin.  



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