Archive | December, 2010

Wade Is Employed Because Of His Dad

31 Dec

I said that Wade Phillips would get another job after he was fired by the Dallas Cowboys. More and more it’s looking like he’ll end up in Houston as the Texans defensive coordinator.

Keep in mind that his dad, Bum Phillips, along with Dan Pastorini, paid a visit to Texans owner Bob McNair on Wednesday. That was to drum up support to keep head coach Gary Kubiak. It also seems like it was a play to get Wade the defensive coordinator job. I guess that’s the plan unless the Texans get swamped by Jacksonville in the season finale. McNair isn’t too happy about the team’s 5-10 record and neither are fans, who are organizing a ‘Fire Gary Kubiak’ rally. Sound familiar Detroit Lions fans.

If Phillips gets hired, how does current coordinator Frank Bush feel about this. He has to feel that someone put a knife in his back, and will be done in by old fashioned nepotism. I’m not saying Bush was the next coming of Buddy Ryan, but this was his first year and lost highly regarded corner Dunta Robinson to Atlanta. Stay tuned to see how this plays out.

Happy New Year 2011

31 Dec

Happy New Year to everyone. Keep it safe and don’t drink too much. Remember to watch lots of football.

Michigan’s Forcier Ineligible For Gator Bowl

31 Dec

I don’t advocate cheating in sports. But if your a “student-athlete” how the hell do you become ineligible. That’s always been a question I’ve asked myself. You know there’s always at least one person out there who just wants to be your “friend” and will do anything to help you get by.

The reason I bring this up is because Michigan’s Tate Forcier is academically ineligible for Michigan’s Gator Bowl date with Mississippi State on New Year’s Day. Forcier is the backup quarterback to Denard Robinson. If Devin Gardner got the redshirt that Rich Rodriguez requested, the Wolverines are screwed if Robinson gets hurt. I don’t know if he got the redshirt or that he can pull it. 

Back to Tate’s ineligibility. How does he screw up in the classroom. Granted, I’ve never been on a college campus, so I’ll never know how hard the classes actually are. But for an athlete they give them classes that aren’t too hard. Forcier explained that he has never been the greatest student. Well we know that now don’t we. He also said that he was street smart, but not smart clasroom-wise. Didn’t know you were from the mean streets Tate.

Like I said, I don’t know how hard being a “student-athlete” in college can be. But they do give you resources to succeed. And if you have a hard time acheiving in the classroom, there’s always someone there to “help”.   

McGrady Looked Like His Old Self

30 Dec

There were a few why’s when the Detroit Pistons signed Tracy McGrady. Some felt he had nothing left and his game was shot. I never questioned the signing, citing this as a classic risk reward deal. It was for one year and didn’t cost the mid-level exception. When Joe Dumars made this signing it made me think of the Antonio McDyess signing that paid off handsomely for the Pistons. This could pay off the same way in one form or another. Maybe not a playoff run, but maybe in a trade of some kind. But we know that Dumars’ hands are tied in that category.

McGrady showed flashes of his old self last night against the Boston Celtics. This was a good test for someone that wasn’t 100 percent entering the season. Considering the Celtics are one of the best defensive teams in the NBA it was good to see McGrady go for 21 points, shooting 7-11, and sharing the ball notching 8 assists. This is in a starting role since Rodney Stuckey is out with the stomach flu.

Everyone still has their mind stuck in the past about T-Mac. He’s not the same player he was five years ago and he knows it. Some still expect that out of him. I always said for him to continue to have a job in the league he would have to change his game. He can still go to the hoop, but not with the force and explosion he used to. He has to rely more on guile and experience these days. He also looks like he sharpened up his jumper. With more time on the court he’s looking more comfortable.

I thought he would be a lock to sign with the Chicago Bulls, but when that fell through and the Pistons signed him I was anxious to see how he would do with a team that most figure to go nowhere. If he keeps playing like he did last night it’ll be tough to get him out of the starting lineup. It also may be tougher to resign him. Who knows, maybe he’ll have a show of loyalty like McDyess had for rescuing his career.

Phillips And Pastorini Go To Bat For Kubiak

30 Dec
The clock may be ticking on Kubiak

With his job on the line, two Houston “legends” have spoken out on Houston Texans head coach Gary Kubiak’s behalf.

Former Houston Oilers head coach Bum Phillips and former oft injured quarterback Dan Pastorini, two of the “Luv Ya Blue” mainstays from the past have spoken in favor of embattled coach Gary Kubiak. Pastorini and Phillips attended Wednesday’s practice to urge owner Bob McNair to keep Kubiak. The Texans have lost 8 of 9 and fans have ran out of patience with a team thought to be a playoff contender at the start of the year.

Phillips said the team was still working hard and seemed focused. Not to bag on anyone, but to an 87 year old man anyone would seem focused.

“You’re not going to get any better coach than him,” Phillips said. “If you can get your team to practice like these kids practiced, the last week of the season, with nothing to look forward to, then believe me, he’s got control of the team. He’s always been a good coach. You’re not going to get any better than Gary Kubiak.”

“I think he’s a good coach, I think the players love him and respect him,” Pastorini said. “I know a lot of people are calling for his head. But I, for one, believe in him. I think he can turn it around. I don’t think there’s a lot of shaking up needed.”

Pastorini and Phillips met with McNair for lunch after Wednesday’s practice.
I do think Kubiak is a good coach, but even if he goes on to coach another team, I’ll view him as a set up man. Meaning that Kubiak will get canned in Houston and someone else will lead them to new heights. I’m not knocking Kubiak, but maybe his time in Houston may be up. Who knows, maybe he lives to see another day as Texans coach. But since he’s been there since the team’s inception, it might be time for him to go.

Cordova’s Daughter In Coma

30 Dec

Former major leaguer and 1995 Rookie Of The Year Marty Cordova is going through a very rough time right now. His 15 year old daughter Ashley was involved in a car accident and has been in a coma for 11 days.

Ashley McAdam was a passsenger in a car that was hit by a truck as it pulled into school. She is suffering from head trauma and broke her jaw, elbow, and thighbone. Cordova has been  at the hospital for the past six or seven nights  The truck struck the car where Ashley was sitting. She’s now in intensive care.

“She’s the victim of a tragic accident,” Cordova said. “What I want is for people to see that this can happen to your own kids. Hug your kids, spend time with them. And pay attention when you’re behind the wheel of a car. Anything can happen.”

I know Marty has to be going through it hard. I hope that she survives this and eventually make a full recovery. People are praying for you and your family Marty and hopefully everything turns out ok. This just shows how pure and precious life really is.

Jenks And The White Sox Are Like A Bad Divorce

30 Dec

Bobby Jenks wasn’t bitter when he left the Chicago White Sox, but he was critical of Manager Ozzie Guillen about the way he used and handled him the past few years. Many might see what jenks had to say about Guillen as sour grapes. Jenks is now a member of the Boston Red Sox and all was peaceful until yesterday when Jenks expressed his displeasure with Guillen.

We all know Ozzie isn’t one to back down in a war of words. And I expect to hear from him going ballistic on Jenks.No one figured Ozzie’s son Oney to get in on the act first. Oney took to Tiwitter, everyone’s weapon of choice to put Jenks on blast. Full blast. Here’s what Oney had to say about Jenks.

“Hahah memo to Bobby Jenks. Get a clue. You drink too much and you have had marital problems. Huge ones, and the Sox stood behind you. They did not air out your dirty laundry, u came to spring not drinking and then you sucked and started drinking again. Be a man.

“Be a man and tell the manager or the coaching staff how you feel, or the organization when you were with the Sox, not when you leave.

“You cried in the manager’s office because you had problems, now you go and talk bad about the Sox after they protected you for seven years. Ungrateful.

“If it wasnt for you Freddy Garcia would have like 17 wins and the Sox would have beat the Twins. You self-diagnosed yourself because you didnt want to pitch. Unreal, I hope the Sox let this guy fucking have it.

“Oh, and yes I remember clearly you blowing a huge game in 2009 and you laughing your bearded ass off while everyone busted their tail. I thought you were a man, not some punk who runs away and talks bullshit. You coward. Say it to their face when you were with them.

“Don’t make me air out more than I have to say. You’re sorry. Don’t disrespect the White Sox ever.

“Now you know what a piece of shit person you rooted for, Chicago. The ones that leave and talk bad about your team. And you say the manager didnt trust you? He kept putting youur fat ass out there and you kept blowing it, he never took you away from that role.

Go read it. It’s a Scott Merkin piece, it’s a dandy. I hope people say what they really feel instead of me. Although it wouldnt surprise me if the Sox take the high road, and be classy instead of destroying this yellow-bearded, dipping idiot.

“And to think you were actually a cool guy and your word meant something. Too bad you don’t hit in the AL so they could drill your ass.”

One little story. Remember when you couldn’t handle your drinking, and you hit a poor Arizona clubby in the face? I do. And later you covered it with ‘I’m sorry.’ That’s your answer to everything. How can you disrespect your former team like that?

Think about it. This can’t be made up and this isn’t something Ozzie told him. Oney’s a former WhiteSox employee so you know he saw some things in the clubhouse that a lot of us aren’t privy to.

Oney’s just like his old man. All fire and brimstone. Of course the White Sox organization has distanced themselves from this whole mess. This is just the beginning, because you know Ozzie will have something to say. Only if Oney hasn’t said it for him already.

Young Wolverines Take It On The Chin

29 Dec

The youth and inexperience of the Michigan Wolverines reared it’s ugly head in an 80-57 loss to Purdue in the Big Ten opener for both teams.

For starters, point guard and leading scorer Darius Morris was held out of the starting lineup for “disregarding some of the core values” according to coach John Beilein. You know, same as conduct detrimental to the team. Well, Morris wound up playing 32 minutes and shot 3-14 for 9 points. Michigan shot 38 percent as a team and had 14 turnovers.

Purdeur jumped out to a 19-3 lead, which Michigan did recover from only to have the Boilermakers get it together and take a four point lead at the half. The second half was all Purdue as this game turned into a route.

I’ve watched a lot of college basketball and there’s a chance Michigan could learn from this and get better. Of course the jury is still out on that. They’re young and will take their lumps, but if my memory serves me right the 1985 team lost 87-62 to Indiana in their Big Ten opener and ended up winning the conference. I’m not saying they’ll be that good, and call it trying to find a silver lining. They’ve shown potential and there’s still a lot of basketball to be played, so don’t throw in the towel on the young Wolverines just yet.

Lions Get Two Pro Bowlers

29 Dec

For once the Detroit Lions have two bonafide Pro Bowlers. It seems like it’s been ages since they’ve had two players go to participate in the annual Hawaii extravanganza. Also it was like any Lions player that went was like a sympathy pick, sort of like baseball’s All Star Game.

Many expected receiver Calvin Johnson to make it. He was named a starter for the NFC squad. Many expected rookie defensive tackle Ndamukong Suh to be good. But not Pro Bowl starter good. That’s what 60 tackles, 9 sacks, an interception, and throw in a fumble recovery for a touchdown will get you. I don’t think anyone expected this kind of impact when training camp started.

As a Lions fan it gets me somewhat excited about the team’s future. Hopefully they can get a few more impact players and translate some of this production into more wins.

Some People Should Just Stick To Governing

28 Dec

Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell has called out the nation after the Sunday night game between the Philadelphia Eagles and Minnesota Vikings was moved to Tuesday night. He seeme to be fired up about the whole matter. Rendell perceives it as a lack of toughness, going out of his way to say the nation has become “a bunch of wussies”.

The NFL called the game off in anticipation of the snowstorm that has slammed the East Coast, even though less than five inches were on the ground before the scheduled kickoff. Here’s Rendell’s take on the situation.

“It goes against everything that football is all about”. “My biggest beef is that this is part of what’s happened in this country,” Rendell said. “I think we’ve become wussies. We’ve become a nation of wusses. The Chinese are kicking our butt in everything,” Rendell added. “If this was in China do you think the Chinese would have called off the game? People would have been marching down to the stadium, they would have walked and they would have been doing calculus on the way down.”

I can understand Rendell being upset, but he didn’t have to go Reggie White on the Chinese. He has to understand that waas the league’s call and not anyone else’s. I will give the NFL kudos for looking out for the safety of the fan in this instance.

Vikings tight end Visanthe Shiancoe seemed to echo Rendell’s sentiments.  “The roads are bad for East Coast standards,” Shiancoe said. “But if this was in the Midwest there would be no way that this would be delayed. No way it would be delayed in the Midwest. No way. … It’s something that baffles me. But I’m not here to make decisions on when games are played.”

Not if the travel conditions aren’t ideal. Instead of crowing about what the NFL does, maybe Rendell needs to concentrate on his job as governor. It looks like he has no concern for the fan.